Chapter 15

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I was currently standing in my maroon shirt and waiting impatiently for Emily to choose between black leggings or dark blue jeans. I switched balance from foot to foot, my tolerance decreasing steadily as she picked one up before laying it down on my bed next to the other option.

"Can you hurry up?"I asked, crossing my legs under me as I sat on the floor, looking up in exasperation as she shushed me.

"Wear these!" She dropped the leggings onto my head and I pulled it off, slipping it up my legs. I pulled my hair into a ponytail which resulted in my arms aching because of the bumps that appeared with every push of my hand.

Emily played on my phone as I suffered, and I gave up, clipping a determined bump down with hair pin. I tied my converse on, snatching my phone from Emily's grip and was shoved away when I tried to reach for my car keys.

"No! I'm driving you! He can drop you off..or maybe he won't." She winked and I pushed her shoulder and walked to the car parked next to mine. She seated herself next to me, asking for the name of the cafe before we were quiet with the music humming in the back.


I sipped from my drink as I scrolled lazily on my phone. Evan had texted me a few minutes ago that he was almost there, and my heart definitely didn't beat faster. The door dinged behind me and I turned, standing up straight when I saw Evan running a hand through his blonde hair.

"Hey, sorry I was late." Evan smiled sweetly, and I waved his apology off as I took another sip of my Iced Tea.

"It's fine, are we going to be staying here?" I asked, and there wasn't a line so he stood next to me as he waited for his drink.

"I was thinking we could go to the park?" He offered, smiling at the barista who called his name. I nodded and we walked to his car, I recognized the road and determined that we were going to the park I went to for pictures.

We strolled to an empty bench that faced the lake and sat next to each other. It was quiet except for the sound that other people were making on the opposite side of the lake. I unconsciously rubbed at my painted nail, glancing over to Evan to see he was doing the same. He glanced at my hands like he knew I was doing the same, and bit his lip.

I laughed awkwardly, raising the glass to my lips so I could take another sip. Evan let a few chuckles escape, before turning to face me.

"So, do you know who..?" I voiced, staring down at my drink like it would keep me sane.

"Do you know who yours is?" He asked instead, and I raised my head with a frown marring my features. Did he not realize that the nail polish matched his eye color exactly? I leaned closer, wanting to know if he was just joking around, and I didn't notice the pretty pink that rushed up his neck.

He leaned closer as well, our noses only about a centimeter apart, and heat colored my cheeks as I realized our proximity. It was like we were going to kiss...

"Don't you have a soulmate?" He whispered, his breath fanning over my lips and my heart pounded in my chest quickly.

"It's you." I spilled, anticipation, dread, and fear of rejection curling in my stomach. They were drowned out by surprise as warm plush lips pressed against mine softly. I closed my eyes slowly as Evan's hand wrapped around the back of my neck to pull me closer. I clenched my hands into his blue jacket, pulling myself closer to his sturdy comfortable body.

He pulled away and rested his forehead against mine as we breathed heavily. I opened my eyes for his beautiful bright blue to gaze into mine. He smiled and I smiled back, my stomach fluttering madly and my heart still thundering.

We were interrupted by a loud quack, and I gasped almost falling off the bench if he hadn't pulled me back with loud laughs. I gripped onto his warm hands as I glared at the duck that waddled down the grass and to the curve of the lake.

I switched to glare at Evan, but it melted at the happy grin that made his eyes shine and my belly warm. Another quack sounded and triggered him to burst into laughs again and I rolled my eyes fondly, squeezing his hands that were still intertwined with mine.


"I'm telling you it's your eye color!" I exclaimed, shoving my nail into his face so he could see the obvious similarity.

"No it's not, my eyes aren't that shade of blue. They're a bit lighter I think." He stated, widening his eyes in the rear-view mirror. I sighed getting aggravated at his antics, before yanking his painted hand into my lap.

"Why is it red? Are you sure it's me?" I didn't look at him, instead turning his finger to analyze the bright red shade.

"It's the color of the dress you wore to the wedding where we met!" He patted at my calf which was folded under my butt as we conversed.

"Why do you remember that you creep?" I inquired, trying to remember the color of the dress that I had donned for the wedding that had occurred at least a month ago.  

"Of course I remember it! You looked so pretty and..." he trailed off at my surprised expression, pulling his hood up to hide his face from me. I pulled at the dark blue hood, but he held on tightly leaning his head against the window.

"It's cute that you remember, I was just teasing Evan." I told him, poking at his stomach and grinning when he hunched over and his lovely face was exposed again. He looked up at me with betrayed eyes and I laughed in response.

He straightened up, promising that I'd regret it before pulling out and driving onto the main road. I gave him directions to my apartment and he parked on the other side of my car.

I turned to open the door but he gripped my arm to face him again. He leaned over to kiss my lips sweetly and leaned back with a grin and wave. I gaped at him for a few seconds before leaning over as well, pecking his cheek and closing the car door behind me with a satisfied smile spreading my face.

Maybe having a soulmate wasn't too bad.


AHHH!!! I was literally blushing when I wrote them kissing since it's the first time I wrote a kiss scene! I hope you liked this chapter, tell me your favorite part! Vote and Comment! <3

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