Chapter 12

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No, no, no, no...It can't be.

Panic rose in me as I continued to stare at that one blue painted nail. I rushed to my room, grabbing my box of nail polishes and trying to find one that matched the shade of my blue that was forever painted onto my nail.

When I had gone through all of them I tried wiping it off with nail polish remover but of course that didn't work either. I couldn't call my mum because she would be elated about me finding my soulmate and I really was feeling quite the opposite.

I clenched my fists at my sides, before I realized that this meant I had a crush on Evan Fetcher and I really did not want to. I groaned and brought my hand up for examination once again, focusing on the pretty blue that I had stared into so many times tonight.

I closed my eyes and thought of what had made me like him. It was definitely the eyes, maybe the playful jokes, the cute nervousness, and the adorableness of his fear at the fair. I groaned when I realized that I definitely had feelings for the blonde man that I had met about 3 times.

I sighed and made myself clean up the mess I had made when urgently searching for the nail polish, closing the lid onto the nail polish remover bottle, and heading back to the bathroom to actually brush my teeth this time.

Maybe if I didn't talk to him then my feelings would go away and so would the nail paint, my mum's had slowly chipped away after... I cuddled into bed and even though I knew I wouldn't get any sleep I still closed my eyes and thought of Harry Potter, so as to distract form my own mess of a life.


"Mia! Mia! Mia! I'm back!" Emily's annoyingly loud voice woke me up from my dream of flying on a dragon. I felt her jump onto me and I simply squashed my face into my pillow to which she whined at and tried to pull my face to face her.

"Miaa, I know you missed me come on." She tried once more before giving up and laying next to me, and prodding at my back until I turned to face her.

"He let me come back early cause he was like 'I want you to be safe, Emily' which is bullshit and we all know it." She informed me, grabbing my hands from where they were beneath my chin. In my sleepy haze I had forgotten the new addition that was definitely noticeable to the observant eyes of Emily Moore.

I heard her gasp and I opened my eyes before yanking my hands out of her grip when I registered what she was so shocked about. I tucked my hands under my butt, not looking at her as she snapped her fingers in front of my eyes to gain my attention.

"Mia? Who is it?" She asked, her face appearing above mine but I still focused on the bare ceiling. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to though." She added, falling back next to me.

"It's this guy I met at the wedding I did in California. I met him again at the birthday party and then we texted and he asked if I wanted to hang out. We went to the amusement park and I had fun and so did he. We even planned to go to the planetarium next time but I'll have to say no cause I don't want a soulmate, Em. Not after what happened to my mum." I spilled, knowing I could trust Emily and I needed someone else's opinion.

"Wow, okay. I think he likes you too, and I really don't support your decision to distance yourself cause even if you deny it he is your soulmate. I'm not going to force you to go with him if you don't wanna obviously. I mean I haven't met this dude. What's his name?" Emily rambled, resting her head on her hand as she talked.

"Evan Fletcher." I told her, just his name causing a blush to heat my face. Emily cooed at that before exclaiming loudly.

"Oh my god! That's the dude we were presenting to! He's the boss of my boss, that's weird. He has blonde hair right?" Emily rolled off the bed in her excitement and I cracked up at her clumsiness.

"Yeah, and he has these really pretty blue eyes? He always wears bow-ties." Emily lifted herself back onto my bed, crossing her legs and staring down at me with a wiggle of her eyebrows that reminded me of Riley.

"Mmhm." I hummed in agreement, sitting up and walking out to the bathroom to freshen up. I heard her shut her room door and I knew that she would probably sleep half the day away.


I tried to ignore the bright blue on my nail to the best of my abilities but it was rather hard when I used my hands for almost everything. I had tried chipping it off with my fingers while watching t.v. but it simply painted a new coat, annoying me even further.

I opened up my laptop and made the folder, composing an email to Oliver with the attached folder. I remembered that Evan wanted the pictures as well, cursing when I realized that I would have to text him since I didn't have his email.

Me: What's your email?

Me: I'm sending you the pics

I squashed the feeling of disappointment when he didn't immediately reply by distracting myself with the random movie that was playing on the t.v. It was around 15 minutes later that my phone buzzed.

Pretty Boy:

Pretty Boy: Did you take photos of me?? :D

Me: Sure..

Pretty Boy: I wanna see them! Have you sent them to me yet?

I didn't reply, instead entering his email and attaching the folder before clicking on the arrow. I focused on the new addition to my nails and my good mood deflated quickly and I tapped out a short response to Evan before focusing back on the t.v. and sitting on my hands so I didn't see the stupid blue again.

Me: Gtg bye

Pretty Boy: Oh ok bye

I saw the message on the notification and cleared it, knowing that if I clicked on it, it would tell Evan that I had read it and just didn't respond. I didn't want to be mean and let him know that I was ignoring him...even though I was.

"I'm fully rested, dear Mia." Emily announced, bouncing onto the couch next to me, unlocking my phone and I was glad that I had pressed the home button before locking my phone.

"What the hell is this?" She asked, grabbing the remote and switching through the channels so quickly that I didn't even know what was playing on the screen before we were already 5 channels ahead. I closed my eyes before my head started to pound from the rapid flashing of the t.v.

"I'm hungry, what do we have to eat?" Emily stood up, losing interest in the t.v. as she strolled to the kitchen while patting her stomach that was covered in a silk green tank top. I shrugged and pulled my laptop closer to me, going onto YouTube to entertain myself with random videos.


Just asking what is your favorite youtuber? Top 3 if you can't choose :P Hope you liked this chapter, if you did please vote and comment! <3

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