Chapter 21

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I honked once more from outside Evan's mansion, having waited for at least 10 minutes later than planned. I looked out of the window to see him rushing down the steps, a duffel bag knocking against the side of his thigh as he speed-walked to my car.

"Hey, I couldn't find my hair brush to tame this mess." He grinned. Although it was 7 pm, the sun was only now starting to sink in the sky.

I smiled and handed him the coffee I had bought on my way here. He was dressed in black jeans and a blue button-up that brought out his eyes. I turned the radio on and pulled onto the road to start our small trip to home.



This one-worded conversation had been going on for two minutes and we were sitting next to the gas pump, debating about who should pay for the gas. My argument was that it was my car and so I should pay, and his was that he was riding with me and so he should pay. (Mine made more sense let's be honest.)

I opened my door and got out before Evan could pull me back, entering the details and standing next to the car as I waited. Evan looked to have accepted defeat with his slouched form pouting in his seat, scrolling through his phone like it had caused his loss.

I love you

The words bubbled into my head out of nowhere and I pressed my lips together trying to subdue the urge to tell him so. I pulled out the pump and payed, getting back into the car and starting the engine with a grin as Evan scoffed and turned away from me like a child who didn't get his favorite toy.

"I get to pay for food." He told me, plugging his phone into the Bluetooth and gasping when his favorite song came on. He loudly sang along and I joined in a few beats later, laughing when he turned and started making hand-hearts at me complete with gooey eyes.

He looked so genuinely happy to be there with me, singing along to his jam and the crack closed a little.

Maybe he did honestly love me.
"Coffee? Coffee." He nodded at the cash register who seemed to be enjoying his job immensely according to the half-lidded eyes through which he stared at us and clicked at the buttons like it was a burden to do so.

"Will that be all, sir?" He asked, taking Evan's card and swiping before signaling us to go to the pick up line. We joined the line there and I examined the little diner we had found. It had a good amount of people eating around the many seating options, and it had a wood theme going on with wooden tables and wooden chairs, wooden counters but thankfully no wooden plates. The walls were painted an olive green that complimented the light brown of the wood and I wondered if they'd be okay with me taking a picture.

I brought out my smaller digital camera, backing up to a corner so I could get mostly all of the restaurant into the frame. Evan turned just as I took the picture and with Flash-like motions had a peace sign and grin up just as the click went off.  The picture had come out well, though Evan was drawing too much attention with his bright grin and alluring aura that appeared even in a photo.

"Did I get in the photo?" He asked, picking up the tray of our food as I took the two cups of coffee and sat at a corner table that looked aesthetic with the sun's rays falling over the table and chairs. I placed down our food and took a picture of the food that looked like it had a filter and this time Evan stood next to me instead of in the frame.

"You didn't answer my question." He reminded me, sitting across from me and pulling a plate of scrambled eggs toward him. Although it was dinner time he had convinced me that eating breakfast for dinner was a thing you had to do when on a road trip.

Clicks and Colors #Wattys2017Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt