d a y e i g h t e e n

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"I wish I had your fairytale of a life."

"Why did you change. Don't you think you're more naïve now than you were back then?"


"I wonder what urged you to call me over here so suddenly," he smiled, swirling his cup around and around on the table. The liquid hitting the sides of the cup was almost hypnotizing. "Weren't you so against it before?"

"Shut your trap. When did you turn out  this anyway?" I twirled my fork in my hand.

"I was always like this."


He laughed. "Language."

I glared at him. "Anyway, regarding why I called you here, shouldn't you know already? After all, you seem to enjoy stalking me, don't you?"

"I want to have you know that stalking is not my job."

"Then I don't see any reason to tell you."

We didn't talk much after that last declaration. He stared out the window with his chin resting on his hand while I focused on the plate in front of me.

"You know," he suddenly said, "if you look closer, you haven't really changed much in the past years."

"You sure did."

"I guess I probably did."


"Either way, since you're here, right now's as good a time to tell you as any other," he pulled something out of his bag. It was a piece of paper, all cracked and wrinkled. I picked it up and looked at the writing. Some of the phrases on there seemed familiar, and I connected it to what he sent me through message.

"What is this?" I asked, looking up at him.

"I thought you wouldn't remember."

"I don't usually remember things from over two years ago unless they were serious."

"If that's the case, do you remember Mika?"

I froze. "Why are you bringing her up now?"

"Just answer."

".... She's the one who killed herself, right?"

"Yeah. Do you remember what you did after that?"

"Not really."

He reached out and tapped the paper. "You made this list. Said that if you ever see anyone change even a little, you'll tell them these things."

"I did that? Wow, I must've been really dumb."

"Not really. You were a genius."


"Still are, but you aren't putting any effort into it."

I played with my utensils while reading down the paper. "Why did you tell these things to me?"

"Looked like you needed them."

I stared at him. "What are you trying to imply?"

"You remember what I did, don't you?"

"I don't think I could ever forget."

"Well, I moved here long enough to notice something was up. The reason why you didn't notice me as much is because I'm two years older than you, and I try to steer clear of you."

"Why didn't you tell me you moved here?"

"If I did, then you would've used that opportunity to jump me, wouldn't you?"

I didn't answer. "How did you know my contact anyway?"

"Your mom wouldn't buy you a new phone even after three years."

I grumbled. All this was too much information to take in at once for me. Standing up suddenly, I slammed my share of the pay down on the table. Before I could get away, he grabbed onto my arm. "Do you think we could try?" he asked. "I do like you."

"We'll see, Haruki."


After that, the tutoring sessions with Akashi stopped. It only made sense that way. Who would let the heir of the company that fired your dad tutor you? School started up again in September, and unfortunately to say, I wasn't prepared in the least.

Another unfortunate thing was that I tried to bury and forget anything I felt for Akashi. Key word was tried. Unfortunately for me, they wouldn't go away.

I also heard around that the Winter Cup preliminary rounds would be starting in November. Rakuzan would be able to skip those because of their victory during the Inter-High in the summer.

Things continued on as usual. Though, as usual as it could get.


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