d a y e i g h t

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"Stop this."

"Hey, you can follow me."



For some reason, the classroom during lunch seemed noisier than before. I sat hunched over my desk with my face buried in my arms. Ahhh, this wasn't going to work. I snapped up, my back straight in an instant, and took my wrapped bento out into the hall. Then I slid the door to my classroom shut, and just sat down next to it. I wasn't sure if this was allowed, but at this point who the hell cares?

I had just wanted some peace and quiet to think some things over. One problem: school doesn't give that to you. And don't ever expect it to. I sighed, untying the bento's cloth's knot. Thoughts of the messages occupied my mind all day, and I thought I could make this day a "me" day and try to organize the recently occurring events. The day after the tutoring session was supposed to be one, but let's just say that an incident came up. That didn't work as well as I thought, you see.

It wasn't long after I had gotten deep into thought when I heard the sound of footsteps down the hallway. I turned to identify the culprit responsible for stealing away my thoughts. It was Akashi who was at the end of the hallway, slowly halting to a stop when he saw me. Although, I had to admit that I did stick out like a sore thumb as I was sitting on the floor of a hallway eating my lunch.

Without a word, Akashi continued to walk past just as I opened my mouth to greet him in some way. I huffed and looked back down at my bento.


"Again?" I asked as Kazuno dragged me toward the gym.

"Yes, you still need to be more sociable."

"I sociable enough..."

"Okay. Keep wandering around in your la la land."

I sighed. Whenever she did this I had given up denying and struggling, so I willingly let her drag me into Rakuzan's gym. So much for that "me" day, I was going to have to spend it watching boys bouncing their balls everywhere.

... And no, not in a dirty way

We sat down on the second row of benches, and I rested my chin on the palm of my hand. The sound of the basketballs bouncing echoed in the vast gym area, creating a somewhat soothing rhythmic sound. That was, before a basketball came flying towards me. Luckily, I managed to get out of a potentially broken nose and/or bruised face by putting my arm up at the last second. The impact left my arm paralyzed for a moment as the pain shot throughout the entire limb.

Well, at least a bruised arm was better than a dysfunctional face. I gritted my teeth and brought my arm to my lap.
"Sorry! Sorry, [Last Name]-chan!" Hayama exclaimed as he ran to pick up the basketball that went astray. Akashi walked over, telling Hayama to get back to practice and glanced at me. "At least you managed to block it," he said. "I hope you won't be so slow next time."

"Wha- Huh?! Next time?!" My gaze shot up, but he was already back to practice. I sighed and looked away, cradling my arm.

"Are you okay?" Kazuno asked from next to me.

I nodded, but she exchanged her gaze between Akashi and me. She turned back to me and stared at me long and hard. "What?" I asked.

"Soooo, how are your tutoring sessions going with Akashi-kun?" she asked, a smirk slowly forming ok her face.

I stared at her blankly. "I regret ever telling you anything," I deadpanned. "No, I'm not going to let you play matchmaker. I know how you are with those things, but you aren't cupid."

Kazuno pouted and turned back to watch the boys practice. I shook my head at her antics and focused back on my arm.

When practice was over, Kazuno immediately ran towards Hayama and whispered something in his ear. From where I was sitting, I watched as Hayama gestured to all his teammates. He seemed enthusiastic as he told them, and they all nodded in agreement at what was said. I stood up to call out to them, but they had quickly shuffled out of the gym doors.

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at Akashi, who was left alone to clean up the gym. Oh, they were going to get it at the next practice....

Akashi did a sweep of the room when he spotted me standing by the benches. He pointed at me to come towards him. Knowing that there would be no way in hell I was going to be let off, I steeled myself and started walking.

"You're going to help me clean the gym," Akashi said as I neared.

"What? But--"

"Don't talk back."

Holding back a sigh, I picked up the nearest basketball and put it back in the basket. "Have you been studying?" Akashi suddenly asked. I hesitated. I really hadn't had the time to get any studying done. Apparently, Akashi caught my slight hesitation in answer and smirked. "Well, since you seem to be doing well, why don't I quiz you as we clean?"

That devil.


I groaned. My brain was completely fried from answering all those questions mentally.

I opened my phone and noticed a notification:

From: [Full Name]
To: Me

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.


Hey, do you want to know who I am?


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