Chapter Five

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“I may be on the side of the angels, but don’t think for one second I am one of them.”

“You kissed me,” I point out. 

“Well, you kissed me back,” he defends.

“Well, yeah.” I search his face for any answers I can find, but I don't see any. “Why did you kiss me if you don't like me?”

“I don't know. I just--I was in the moment I guess.”

“So, you don't like me,” I clarify.

“No. Not even a little bit.”

“I like you.” What the hell am I even saying?

“I'm not gay,” he says after a moment.

“Really? Because you seemed a little gay last night.” I bawl up my fists, trying to remain calm, but I can't. We’re standing in his living room beside the couch, arguing. We woke up this morning with our legs tangled in each other and when he realized he flipped.

He claimed it was all a mistake and I should leave, but I’m too pissed off to just leave, I need to talk this out. After last night, I know I have feelings for him, but he doesn’t feel the same way. But I’m not sure why I have feelings for someone like him.

“Your high school crush means nothing to me,” he spits harshly. 

“And you mean nothing to me,” I fire back and storm out the door, slamming it behind me. I stumble into the woods, getting lost along the way before I fall to the ground, breathing heavy. I can't believe I let myself believe he meant the kiss; that he actually cared. He doesn't care; he's fucking Derek Palmer.


“Why did you do that?” I whisper. 

“Because I wanted too,” he replies with a crease in his forehead. “I don't know. Are you ready to sleep?”

“Uh, yeah.” I pull away from him and curl back into the couch cushion. He stares at me for a long moment, words on his tongue but none escaping before he turns around and walks out.

I shake off last night’s memory and stand up, giving a glance at his house. He’s watching me from the window, which pisses me off more; because I know he’s enjoying this little game he’s started. With a huff, I begin my walk home.

By the time I find my way back to Adam's house, I'm starving and exhausted. I've been walking at least three hours, maybe longer. I stumble inside the front door, kicking off my shoes. I look up to all my friends sitting at the kitchen table and groan. 

“I don't need another intervention right now,” I say. 

“We're just hanging out,” Gemma says. She's lying. 

“Where have you been?” Adam asks casually.

I debate on lying. I should lie. “Alley.”

“The fucking alley?” Adam jumps up from his chair, sending death glares at me. 

“No-I mean... I started out there but then...”

“Where did you stay?” he growls. 

I sigh. “I stayed at the hotel. They gave me a discount.” I shrug and walk over to the fridge, feeling all their eyes on me. I'm starving and this left over pizza is calling my name. I throw three pieces on a plate and stick it in the microwave. 

Somewhere along the way, everyone leaves to go to the living room to watch a movie. I told them I'd join them later. They gave with trying to pry answers out of me, because I didn’t acknowledge them at all.

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