Unnecessary, Unloved, and Unwanted.

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Unnecessary, unloved, and unwanted. I think you think too much of me. More than I can ever be or ever see. Much of me was thrown in epitome.

It was not that it mattered, for not it had. It was simply just a fad. It was a share that I could not understand. Nor could I stand it.

It was of no concern for them; as they were not to care.

Was it simply his fault?

Was it just his mind?

Who dared to trespass into territory they should not have gone?

Was it him?

He was just as guilty as them. He was the one who triggered this, and he paid the price for it. His own shame, his own problem, caused him to spiral.

The life was taken from his eyes, drained. His body was pale, his eyes shut in peace. They would never open again, and this note was all he had left. He had nothing else but a poem. A poem he couldn't understand nor explain.

He could not feel the blame.

But the shame lingered on his shoulders.

Small vent. The poem is mine; it just explains my mind. How horrible it is. How much I nor anyone should care about me. I'm undeserving of it.

Empathy ; Komahina OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now