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"I told you," he quickly growled. "whatever you did, don't come back for me."

That growl, the wavering anger laced in that phrase, caught him by surprise. He had never imagined he would hear that kind of anger in the other's voice. The pitch black hollowness that had been suppressed in his mind seemed to fully take over. He only remembered regaining consciousness and that the other was gone. He had feared the worst in that time. He had feeling of what he was capable of, both mentally and physically, but he had tried hard to suppress for the sake of the other. The other was fragile, easily broken and shatter-able.

He had prided himself in being shatter resistant, but now he felt that sleeve collapsing to the ground. His defense, his protective shield he held out against his own, was cracking relentlessly. His own pride had been taken from him, and for what cost he reasoned. He was not the reason for this, nor did he have to take responsibility for any of the events. He wasn't the one at fault; he never would be.

His skin was beginning to tint red. 

He felt like he was diving through the air, wind whipping past his face. Until he realized he had a faulty parachute. Now he was simply plummeting to the ground, awaiting the inevitable. The inevitable feeling of complete guilt.

All it took was one small step, an inch ahead, and everything was sent plummeting into chaos. A black haze of destruction that spiraled quickly into what he now saw before him.

Something was wrong.

Something was different.

That thick black fog that clouded his mind must have meant something.

But his mind seemed to have stopped functioning as the other glared at him.

Hatred, sorrow, bitterness, anger.

He could see every emotion painted in the male's eyes. Even if his face was to be kept a blank canvas, his eyes said it all. He felt almost jealous that the other could express so many emotions at once. He could never express so many, and now that he thought about it, maybe that was the problem. He was too cold for someone so kind-hearted like him.

He felt one emotion when he was with the other though. Fear.

Don't try to touch me, I'm afraid of your disease.

He was afraid to feel, much to the difference of the other. The other wore his heart on his sleeve, the sleeve of his parka. His fluffy parka, the one that embedded the letter '55' on the back in red detail. The other adored that parka... He did too.

Something in him yearned for that sensation of warmth close to his cold body. His freezing heart that couldn't be thawed yearned for the warmth it had become immune to.

It felt like his entire relationship was flashing before his eyes as those eyes filled with hatred glared at him with such intensity he wished for the ground to swallow him whole. Guilt clawed at him, ever so slowly creeping up his spine.

He knew he didn't deserve the other.

The other was so kind and caring, smiling carefree all the time. He did love the other, but it was now a matter of who he deserved more. Did he deserve someone as kind as himself, or did he truly deserve a cold-hearted monster like him? No, he reasoned, the other, whom was so patient with him, deserved so much better than him. He shouldn't have settled with him in the first place. It made him wonder what is was that made the other so interested.

This was truly how it was meant to be.

"Are you just going to stand around and look at me like you're innocent?" He noticed the others grip on the towel tightening. "Stop giving me that look. You told me yourself that you don't care about me."

"I don't remember." He simply answered, speaking the truth to the other.

The others glare hardened, eyes narrowing. "You think I'm going to believe that?"

I'm pulling out my parachute and jumping from the plane we flew. But first I'm gonna tell the truth, but then I'm burning my bridge to you.

"Oh, whatever you do don't come back for me. After all I've bled for you, I can hardly breathe. And one more kiss, could take my life."

He moved quickly running at the male and shoving him against the wall. He heard his head smack the wall with a light thud, hands trapped by his own iron grip. He smashed their lips together, selfishly taking as much as he could before he took it away.

Everything made sense now.

For everything to work, he needed to leave. He needed to cut himself out of the others life. But before he left he would take the man's soul with him.

So for those of you who guessed Komaeda for the point of view in the last oneshot got it correct! Congrats! I'm sure you guys can guess who's point of view this is in, but you don't have to guess. I'll tell you the answer.

Don't Come Back For Me- Komaeda's POV

Parachute- Hinata's POV

And there's a special one coming up too. Another point of view you guys haven't seen. I've hinted at it though.

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