Kairi shut her eyes tightly, trying to fight the urge to flee from the warm embrace and run away and never return to London ever again. She inhaled deeply, the scents of Sherlock lingering on her sheets, Molly the most potent because they were skin to skin, and even the faintest scent of John on Molly. It made her happy. It made her feel calm.

"I trust him. Implicitly." Kairi muttered and snuggled into Molly who brought her closer, "I'm just scared."

She felt Molly nod, "And you have every right to be, but if there is anyone you can absolutely trust to solve this madness its Sherlock and John."

Kairi nodded, "I know. I just worry for them too. If anything happened to them..."

Molly shushed her, hearing the unsteadiness in Kairi's voice she couldn't hide, "Remember they have not only Scotland Yard behind them, but Mycroft and his merry band of spies. If anyone is almost as protected as you, I'd say its Sherlock and John. Moran and Moriarty chose the wrong enemies to make."

Kairi felt herself swell with pride, the fierceness of this frail women curled around her made her heart beat steady and her muscles almost surge back to life against the dread that threatened to cripple her.

They heard a knock on the door and they both looked up, still wrapped around one another as the door opened and Lestrade walked in, grinning widely holding up his camera phone as he snapped a picture.

"GREG!" Molly and Kairi both screeched at him, laughing as he chuckled heartily.

"Don't worry loves, this is for my private collection." He winked as they both groaned and gestured to him rudely, "I've got to be going, but one of Mycroft's men in just outside. More than likely he's got about fifty out there, hoping either Moran or Moriarty rears their ugly head for enough time to put a bullet in it."

Kairi and Molly pulled the covers over their heads, "Delete that photo, NOW!" Kairi growled and she heard Lestrade chuckling.

"Not on your life, darling." He was being awfully cheeky for it being so early. Kairi and Molly shared a snicker beneath the blankets as they looked at one another, feeling like children in a pillow fort. "Oi!" They heard him grumble and then pulled the blankets down from over their heads.

"I don't believe John or myself would very much appreciate you holding on to such a lascivious picture of our..." Sherlock paused as his fingers danced across Lestrade's phone screen deleting the evidence, "Girlfriends." He finished uncomfortably.

Lestrade chuckled when Sherlock handed his phone back, "You saying that word is worth the loss of the picture. Cant wait to spread that around." He smiled and nudged Sherlock on the arm as both Kairi and him shot Lestrade a dark look. He winked at Kairi and put his hands up in defeat, "I know where I'm not needed." He chuckled.

"Or wanted." Sherlock growled with vehemence and Lestrade just laughed as he waved his goodbye and left Kairi's flat amidst chuckles.

Kairi and Molly looked at each other with raised eyebrows and laid back down into the bed with a huff. They heard Sherlock coming closer to Kairi's side of the bed and Molly was looking over Kairi's shoulder at him with an odd expression on her face. "What are you doing?"

Kairi rolled over to look up at Sherlock, just as he pulled his own phone out of his pocket and snapped a quick picture.

"HEY!" They both screeched, pulling the blankets up around them and Kairi tossed a pillow at him.

He faintly smiled, swatting the pillow away before it came into contact with his head.

"You best delete that." Molly growled.

Born in Black and WhiteOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant