She left Appa inside her flat, intending to walk up to 221B to leave the button on Sherlock's bedside table. She was sure that when he saw it upon returning he would know exactly who put it there and where it was from. A smile crept onto her face and she bit her lip, chuckling at the idea of Sherlock Holmes blushing because of a simple button. She opened her door and didn't bother locking it or grabbing her keys as she would return quickly after depositing the item.

She climbed the stairs, two at a time and walked quickly over to 221B with a smile on her face. She opened the door, humming to herself and was utterly shocked to see John sitting at his desk typing away at his computer.

He turned and smiled at her widely, "Morning Kairi." He checked his watch, "What's going on, is everything okay?"

Kairi's smiled disappeared instantly, "I -," She exhaled raggedly, "I thought you had a case." She practically whispered.

John, looking concerned, replied, "No. Not that I know of." He frowned a bit and looked to the kitchen, "Sherlock do we have a case or something involving Kairi?"

Kairi's chest constricted and she found it hard to breathe. Her head started to swim when she heard Sherlock behind her.

"No, nothing that concerns her at all." Sherlock replied tonelessly.

John was smiling, "Sorry Kairi," He finished as he watched Kairi's face seem to twist in agony.

Kairi turned and saw Sherlock in the kitchen, sipping at coffee and his eyes glued to a microscope. He was wearing a charcoal suit with a dark purple shirt, perfectly showered, composed, and stonily cold. Her stomach seemed to empty instantly, while also feeling like a five ton weight was pressing against her chest. She tried to hold back the sob pressing against her lips as she walked over to him slowly. He made no movement indicating that he noticed her presence or proximity. She gripped at the front of her sweatshirt and cleared her throat.

"Where were you?" She whispered, glancing over her shoulder to see if John was paying attention.

He made no indication that he intended to answer, or even that he heard her.

Kairi took another step closer and tried again, a little louder, "Where did you go?"

This time Sherlock dropped his head, sighing in extreme annoyance and Kairi bit her lip painfully as he stood to look at her. His eyes were cold and distant, nothing like she had seen since she had known him. His face was completely expressionless and disinterested in her presence. He adjusted his suit, taking his time in silence as she watched him, her body tense and shaking slightly, her eyes blinking slowly and unbelieving.

Who was this man?

"I returned home." He stated simply.

The pain in that simple statement caused Kairi to flinch. It wasn't the words that mattered, it was the tone of his voice. He was completely and utterly bored. There was no inflection, no feeling what so ever and it made Kairi's heart freeze. She took another breath, trying to believe that he was putting on an act for John. "You couldn't have just let me know?"

He rose an eyebrow and looked at her with an air of indignant disbelief, "Why would it concern you?"

Kairi shut her eyes against those words, trying to breathe deep, "Because you spent the night with me." She stated and looked up at him slowly, painfully, "Because of what we did last night." She finished in a whisper.

He smirked and Kairi felt nauseous at the sight. It was a cold, pedantic smirk. His eyes looked pitying and slightly disgusted. Whoever this man was, he was not her friend, and the man she... cared for, Sherlock Holmes.

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