After a moment and another stifled giggle from Kairi, Sherlock's eyes blinked open slowly, sated with sleep, moaning slightly. His arm reached up in a reflexive movement and laid his hand gently and almost lovingly atop Appa's ecstatic head, his tail thumped the bed. That's when things got heated.

Sherlock's eyes shot open at the texture beneath his fingertips, the soft fur of Appa's crown seemed to lull him into a false sense of security, even for a nanosecond.

"If you want me to leave, give you guys some privacy..." Kairi said quietly, trying to hide her smile and quiet her laughter.

In the next nanosecond Sherlock shot from the bed, shrieking in the most manliest of ways, and jolting his body around like Kairi had done when she dreamt of spiders covering her. He froze and glared at the two of them, Kairi still completely covered, biting her lips shut like a child caught in a hilarious ruse and Appa, thumping his tail at Sherlock, knowing their friendship was instantly solidified.

"You!" He growled at Kairi, "You engineered this! You planned this all along!" He growled, his eyes practically frantic, wide and crazy, "You seduced me into this situation and made a fool of me!"

Now Kairi was confused, "What?" The heat of her dream hadn't completely dissipated and her eyes roved quickly over Sherlock's shirtless upper half, down to the trim hips, barely holding up his pajama pants. Her eyes widened when she noticed a very common bulge below his waist – well, common for any other man. "Sherlock, Appa wasn't hurting anyone. He just likes to snuggle. As for your," She swallowed, "problem, its very common in males. You don't have to lose your shit."

He glared at her and growled at her, his voice pure venom and hatred, "I am not common man!" He turned violently out of the room and slammed the door, making Kairi and Appa flinch.

Kairi sat up in bed, not completely understanding what had just transpired, between her dream, Sherlock cuddling with Appa, and Sherlock's common male indiscretion, she was absolutely blank. She heard John mutter something slight, Sherlock growl some indistinguishable response, the woosh of the wool jacket and pounding feet on the stairs, followed by another slamming door.

Kairi glanced at Appa, "The fuck?" She jumped out of bed and ran to the front room where John was standing, looking like he'd been slapped with a fish.

"Oh, jeez," John started, glancing at Kairi in a shirt and underwear and averted his eyes.

"Oh John, you fished me out of the shower, don't pretend to be modest now!" She muttered with distaste, staring at the open door frame. "I need to move out."

"What?" John looked at her again, honestly confused, "What the bloody hell just happened there? He was half naked! Ran out with only his coat, not even shoes! And here you are, in your knickers -," John froze, his eyes suddenly coming to a realization that made Kairi blush wildly.

Everyone was talking at once.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Kairi started, putting up her hands in defense.

"Its none of my business what two consenting adults choose to do, but if I may, I say its about bloody time-,"

"John I swear! Nothing happened! We slept together, but we didn't sleep together. I just had a weird dream and Sherlock and Appa were cuddling and evidently Sherlock liked it-,"

They both paused and said in unison, "What?"

Then they started laughing.

It died down quickly when John had a very somber, sad look in his eyes, "Kairi, you best get ready. Lestrade needs us down at the station."

Born in Black and WhiteHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin