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Hey my killers!! Mono Nightmare here! So, did you guys like the last chapter? Was it even good?😂😂 Anyway, I want to warn you all the this chapter is set a week or two after Jeff and you have sex, so please don't worry if you're a little confused. Sorry in advanced in this chapter turns out a little shitty. I'm working on this at one in the fucking morning and I'm nervous af cause a friend of mine is checking out this book. Ugh, kms already. Okay, let's keep this it rolling guys.


I walked along the rocky trail, seeing the cabin in my sight. She sat in the dinning room with a book in her hands and a loaded gun in close range. The other day, Mono had come by, warning us that the final battle was yet to come in few short days. I didn't know what to do or say or think. I couldn't kill her and I knew she wouldn't kill her. What was I supposed to do? Wait until she'd kill the both of us or wait until the very last moment to run? I could hear the sound reverberating through my ears, telling me, begging me to leave but, how could I leave? She always found me somehow. And I'm not leaving her here to die, I can't, I won't. This situation, my life is so problematic I can't even begin to process a plan to get of this rut.

Slowly, I opened the door with firewood in my arms as she got up to help. Lately, (Y/N) hasn't been feeling well. She's been throwing up and has been bed ridden for a few days at a time. I suppose it's because she can't handle the strength of Mono's soul wavelength. That was expected. But what wasn't was the sudden blackouts she'd have during the day. I knew something else was going on, something more sinister than I could I think of.

As she began to place the fire wood down, I saw her eyes begin to shift to the door behind me; her eyes just stared, empty, soulless. I turned around slowly, only to see Mono, bloody and wounded. Rushing towards her, I dropped the wood and caught her falling body. She smiled crookedly, coughing up a blotch of blood.

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