A Celebration For The Broken {Edited}

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You guys made me cry!! * anime tears of joy* I'm so amazed that I have over 1k reads!!! This is so amazing!! I love you so much!!!!!!! Can I have a hug?No? Well here's one anyway!! (*゚▽゚)

Sooooooo, the picture made above was drawn by my best friend, AlanaLopez1!!! It's so fricken' cute!!!

How did we end up here? (5 sos reference btw) Okie, that's enough of me talking, let's start this chapter!!!

Warning : Slight domestic violence and gore. Please do not read if you are effected by any sort of violence. Viewers discretion is advised.


"Most people won't understand why I am the way I am. You see, I'm so very broken. People won't understand why I kill those of sin, those of treason. Christmas and Thanksgiving are all bullshit holidays. They cover the true meaning of what was.

Jesus was a man of his word but, he was also a man of his own opinion. He believed in slavery of any man, no matter the colour of his skin. He believed that woman should not be taught anything except the basics and he believed that any none believer in his word should be punished for intolerance. Though, he was a man of many flaws, there were some aspects of his being that were acceptable. It is whether or not we choose to faze through the sin and bestow our own meaning of who or what we are yet, we decide to make a mockery of whom we "believe" in. Making up fake figures that seem to cover up the earth of that root. Us "believers" buy gifts so we don't feel guilty for not caring all too much about one another or give to those in need because we feel better. We don't actually make anything change, not a single remarkable thing that will make a difference in the world. I know, I know, I sound like Scrooge but, it's true."

Thanksgiving is no different. We feast upon a large meal with our closet friends and family, enjoying and sharing stories but, it's all an act. On the day that is Thanksgiving now, was
one of the most brutal massacres-is the closest term to be used- in history. The Native Americans who built their homes and utilities with their own hands were brought down upon poorly. They were - and are- the ones who built this country from the ground,up. Still to this day, and as a proud mutt, myself, I know for a fact what went down that day."

Squanto had his people make a beautiful feast for the idiotic pilgrims. Now, I say idiotic because, and idiot knows what they are doing (in this case, not doing ) but, they refuse to be taught. They refuse to make use with their own hands, even though they have the ability to do so. Anyways, back to the massacre. The pilgrims feasted till their hearts desire, stomachs being filled to the brim with all sorts of corn and breads and poultry. But-" I tapped my lips with me index finger.

"They wanted more than what the Natives were gracious to give. They wanted gems and strange herbs and oddball items that they had never eyed in England or Britain or any other part of the estranged world. The pilgrims wanted it, and there was no stopping them, especially when they were the ones with the guns."

Dead, all of my and many other's ancestors dead. Shot to death in their own home where the forests were compacted with all life's essentials. So now, I tell you Mark, why I am the way I am. I kill for those who sin, for those mock the very entity that they pray to for those who bite the very hand that feeds them. That's why I kill. It may not seem like I'm doing anything good for mankind or the dead but, I am. He said I was just like him but, I'm so much more. And here, right now, I'll join your gang of misfits. You all have a story full of sin, and guess what? Bloodshed is the only pathway of purification. So, I'll have them bow to me because it's been time for them to pray for their sins. "

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