Pity Party

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Hey!!!! it's Mono Nightmare here and I'm so excited for this chapter.
Oh, did I tell you guys that I just happen to have the same middle name as one of the creeps? Yeah, me and Dr. Smiley share the same middle name but mine is spelt differently.

Anyways, I'm sorry that I left you guys on a cliffhanger last time but, I wanted to give you all a chapter before my midterms prevented me to do so. Hope you all enjoy this story so far, here's the next chapter. Ps: I finally found the picture! *Squeal!*

Warning: Get ready to blush meh killers!!


I walked up to the bar to see Toby and Natalie, along with Will and Jason. Jason waved me over, setting down a shot of Vodka for me to drink. In a split second, i downed the alcohol. The warm feeling in my chest relaxed me.

"Thanks Jace, I really needed that. " He flashed his jagged smile at me.

"No problem, short stack. You've done a lot of work as of lately. " I rolled my eyes at his little 'nickname' for me. As all the creeps refer to me, I'm the shortest person in the house. That is, considering that Ben is actually 5'5 and I just happen to be 5'4. Being shorter has helped me way more than it probably would have if I were freakishly tall.

"Yeah, Mark has me doing all these crazy missions to "prove myself." Honestly, it's a load of bullshit. He knows what I can do yet, he refuses to give me any meaningful task; it's getting really annoying. "

"So, tell me," He placed His gloved hand under his chin. "Why do you call him by his first name? I mean, it's not like him to let people call him by his first name."

"Who? Oh, Mark? Well, he does have an actual name other than the one he uses as a creepypasta. It's not for a disrespectful purpose, it's more of a, 'You're a person too' kind of thing."

"I can respect that. " He sighed, flashing his golden orbs to the exit sign. The black vest that he was attired in was stained with dry blood, as so were the once white feathers on his shoulders. Jason hummed a bit, brushing back his red locks.

"Wanna another drink?" He finally spoke. I gave a curt nod.

"I'm up for another round. How about... h'm...Oh! I want a double shot of Tequila, this time." Jason laughed at my enthusiasm to the liquor.

"A double shot of Tequila for her and I'll take a shot of Whiskey please. " As the bartender served up our drinks, we began to talk about his toy shop.

"Hey, maybe after these, we can go to your toy shop and make some stuff. "

"Stuff? " He laughed. "What kind of
'stuff?' "

"Like, exploding teddy bears or maybe poisonous candies or-"

"Pump your breaks kid, I think that Vodka's getting to you. " I downed the Tequila, and laughed.

"H'm, maybe, but, it would be fun. "

"Yeah, maybe tomorrow when your sober okay? "

"It's a deal. "


"Why can't I do it?!" She screamed to herself. Jeff turned around, now facing her, the look of total sadness lurking in his eyes. "You're the one who tried to kill me and here I am trying to protect you!!" Tears seared her red stained cheeks. She pounded her fist on his chest as he just stood there, light breaths hardly being heard. He grabbed ahold of her wrist, stopping her thrashes.

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