The Bitter Sweet After Taste{Edited}

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Warning: Violence and strong language. Readers discretion is advised. 

As it poured outside, the car came to an abrupt stop. She was finally home...Home,he had driven her home.

  (Y/N) licked her lips as she tasted the bitterness of her life on her tongue. The passenger side door flung open, Jeff unbuckling the girl from the seat. Rain fell onto him while her picked up gently. The way she was cradled in his arms gave a perfect view if the sky. It was a dark alluring mixture of grey, black and white. The sky's beauty tranced her dull (E/C) eyes all the while her blank expression hid her immense pain. Jeff on the other hand, left himself to think. His genuine thoughts were interrupted by the flash of lightning that thundered in the sky. Jeff's black hair clung to his deathly pale skin.

The rain poured down fiercely on the two as Jeff's eyes pierced her own. Neither of them were in a happy mood, and the psychotic factor still remained.
Jeff was still a murderous psychopath and she was still a play thing to him. He was still the same rough and gruesome person as he was before. May his actions display otherwise, Jeff would never change his way of life and/or living.(Y/N) was still herself. Her cool, calm ways but also shy to the world. Broken but she said she was fixed. All she was to herself was a pathological liar. A very good one too. That's how she even managed Jeff's ways.

He set her down as they approached the wooden door. Digging the keys out from the plastic bag, Jeff opened the door;still not saying a word. He picked her up once more and went into the house. All windows were open; filling the house with the rain's aroma. Jeff noticed this and commented.

"No wonder I got in here so easily." (Y/N) scowled at him.

"It calms my nerves, helps me think."

"What were you thinking about?"

"None of your business." Jeff laughed at that.

"Oh Doll, whatever you do or think from now on is my business. So tell me, what was it , Doll?"

"You really want to know?"

"Please do tell."

"Fine, I was thinking about my ex."

"Ah, so, you can actually be compatible with someone. Didn't think you had it in you since you always seem to be a stick in the mud."

"We weren't so "compatible" as you'd like to think."

"What did they do to you,Doll? Tell me why you're so bitter."He sat her down gently on the soft couch. The fuzz brushing against her cold, wet skin. She had never had really questioned why she was telling the killer this but, she proceeded.

"Oh, they just broke my heart in two. Cheated, lied, etcetera. And I'm not bitter, just...Hurt."

"Damn, that's real fucked up, Doll. I guess that's just what life does."



My eyes wondered his face, finally, they rested on his Cheshire smile. I was always curious on why he had decided to carve himself a smile. I stretched a hand out to his face, trying to feel the scar, curiosity took over me. An icy hand grabbed a hold of my fragile wrist. Suddenly, I was slammed into the wall,a shiny blade at my throat.

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