Eren Yeager X Half dog!Reader |Sad love|

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How could you love someone who isn't human?
She sat hiding her ears and tail from the eyes that stare. She felt scared. How could you love a light that shines for days when the night is taking over her light that fades to the darkest shade for her.
Why did she choose a job that has blood, brutal deaths.
Would you choose a life like this?
She joined because her love of her life is her protector. Her only light that saves her like Superman.
"Eren!?" She yelled up at  the trees. Her body shook. Her eyes went scarce. A Titan looked at her with a wide evil grin. He ran at her. She shot her 3dmg gear up as she reached at the highest tree. As she looked around her hoodie down her tail stuck between her legs. Her ears were down. Her knees fell down as she screamed in agony, tears pouring down like a storm as she saw her love to be eaten by Titans. She held the gun filled with red powder shooting it up at the sky. She dropped it hiding in the darkest place she can find. She closed her eyes as she cried more. Till someone jumped on the tree and walked near her. "Just kill me.." she whimpered out not caring who it was. "(Y/n)..? (Y/n)..!" Someone yelled.
She woke up to see eren. She got up hugging him and crying.

It was just a dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2017 ⏰

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