Angel with a sin ~ Fluff~ (Ciel Phantomhive X Nobel!Reader)

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He was an angel with a sin.

She wasn't a sin she was an angel

How could they fall after his deal is done?

They couldn't meet in a another life

But let's love till this night ends but that's it after this night.. You would forget, I will be dead in a demons stomach.

ɓմt ί ϖίʆʆ αʆϖαψς ɾεʍεʍɓεɾ ψσմ..
вut чσu wσn't,  αll чσu wíll hαvє íѕ mч вєd thαt ѕmєllѕ líkє mє αnd α nσtє undєr чσur píllσw.

σur chíldrєn wíll nσt rєmєmвєr mє. вut lσσk líkє mє.

hσld σn tσ mч ríng, kєєp thє mαnσr tíll чσu díє

σnlч вαrd, mαч-rín, fínnч, αlѕσ tαnkα wσuld вє thєrє. вut thєч wσn't rєmєmвєr mє σr ѕєвαѕtíαn. juѕt чσu mч lσvє.

dσn't fσrgєt thαt í lσvє чσu αnd wαnt thє вєѕt fσr σur chíldrєn.

í wíѕh í cσuld gívє чσu mч єчєѕ tσ ѕєє hσw ѕpєcíαl чσu αrє tσ mє,  mч αngєl.

frσm чσu'rє dєαrєѕt,
cíєl phαntσmhívє.

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