Wait till were ready ~Lime~ (Toby X Reader)

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AN:Just read it's cute.
Next:Caleb Rivers x reader -My new girl-

Hi, My name is (Y/N), I'm 17, I live in Rosewood, my parents left me the house when they are gone but hey you know much about me now..

Wait I almost forgot.. Yes I'm dating Toby.. Yes its Jenna's step-bro but do I look like I care? we have been dating for the last 3 semester's. Its been tough on me and him. After the Jenna thing and when Allison went missing, People thought we were the killers for no reason. But hey were still together.

Now I'm having a date with Toby at the Brew. It was nice to take a break from all this drama has been going on lately. I looked across the table to see Toby ordering our coffee's also snacks that we chosen to. He looked right back at me smiling at me. My cheeks burn a soft pink as I smile back at him. "I see that your quite happy (Y/N)." Who's voice is that? I turn around to see Mona smirking at me. I nod softly. "Y-Yeah.. I am.." She nods as she leaves the shop with her coffee. Toby walks back to our table but he seemed to have a dark entity around him. I grabbed his hand looking straight at him. "Toby, are you okay love?" I ask him softly. He looks back at me with a small smile at me. "Yes, sorry for acting weird." He says in a joking matter. "Okay." I smile cheerfully leaning up to him to place my lips against his. He kisses back too. I pull away in a teasing matter. He smirks as he trys to kiss me once again. I shake my head and sit back as I drink my coffee . He did look hurt but shook it off while holding my hand.
*Time Skip*
We were at his house. Giveing kisses and sweet make outs too, I wanted to give my most innocent thing I have left.. I was ready.. but he turned me down telling me to wait.. wait when we were both ready.. I was hurt thinking it was me who messed it all up. He looked at me straight in the eyes saying it wasn't. I was so nervous and he was too so we made a promised to wait.. one day ill give it to him...

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