Bitter Truth | BTS

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Only Jin's special kind of magic was able to cure Jimin and Yoongi was on his way to meet Jin

"Okay, where is he? Call him, get him 'ere" Yoongi said as he walked inside Bangtan's shared mansion

"That's the problem I can't actually call him... no one can" Namjoon answered, and Yoongi's eyebrows furrowed I confusion

"Please don't do this Namjoon" Jin told RM in pleading tone as he looked at Yoongi

Namjoon glanced to the side and turned to blank faced Yoongi

"I've been lying to everyone for months and I can't keep lying knowing that everyone is waiting for him to swoop in and save the day" Namjoon said, not making eye contact with older male

"I don't speak crazy person Joon, you've got to translate that for me" Yoongi said in annoyed tone and looked at younger boy

"Think about it Yoongi... I was dead. I wasn't supposed to come back..." Namjoon says seriously and Yoongi rolls his eyes, thinking that younger boy is joking around as always

Yoongi sighs in annoyance while walking up to him

"Yes, exactly, the beauty of Seokjin Magic, which is what we need right now" Yoongi rushed his words. There was no time for arguing. They had so save injured Jimin

"You're not hearing me" Namjoon cried out and Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows

"Magic finds a balance..." Namjoon took a deep breath before continuing "I'm not supposed to be here"

The realization hits Yoongi like a ton of bricks and his now furrowed eyebrows part to form shocked expression "No" He breathes out through his nose and looks at Namjoon

"You can't just bring somebody back from the dead... There's always a price to pay for it" Namjoon said, his face full of regret and guilt

"Don't say it Namjoon. Don't you dare!" Yoongi said through gritted teeth and Namjoon sighed

"He didn't show up to his dad's funeral, Yoongi" Namjoon cried out desperately, wanting Yoongi to understand but Yoongi was in pure denial

"Nobody has spoken to him all summer" Namjoon continued, adding fuel to Yoongi's sadness

"Please Joonie" Jin's spirit begged him from behind

"You say it and everything in Jimin's life goes to crap, do you understand me? Everything changes" Yoongi mumbled last part as he made sharp eye contact with blonde haired male

"Do not say it Namjoon!" Jin shouts at him from behind

"Don't" Yoongi says as he glances at the floor

Namjoon takes a deep breath and says with so much sadness "Jin's dead"

Yoongi closes his eyes and takes a sharp intake of breath. Jin closed his eyes as well and let one single tear slip down

He knows Namjoon is right but the bitter truth still hurt physically and emotionally

"Dammit RM" Yoongi says through gritted teeth and Rap Mon looks up at him

"You realized what you just did?" Yoongi says, frustrated and full of anger, turns around and his hands tangle themselves into his hair, tugging to remain calm

"Why would you say that?" Yoongi growls

He's terrified, sad and angry. Jin was his best friend after all and not knowing that he died hit Yoongi like a ton of bricks in the face

"I'm sorry" Namjoon cried out desperately and faced ground again

"People need to know..." He murmured under his breath but of course with Yoongi's Vampire Hearing he heard him clearly

Yoongi let out a harsh breath and turned towards Namjoon, he growled lowly and walked up to Namjoon. Rap Mon's face stayed blank until Yoongi hugged him hard

Jin, standing behind Rap Monster smiled and let out a low chuckle

"I'm sorry. I am sorry you had to go through this alone Joon" Yoongi said, hoping that his words will somehow ease the pain he and this boy were feeling

Namjoon did not answer. He just sobbed a little and let Yoongi hold him

After all they were friends and friends hold each other in hard situations... but there was one tiny problem

Jimin was still injured and needed Jin's help who wasn't even alive

Jin must have heard Yoongi's bothered mind because he smiled sympathetically

"Tell Yoongi to go to my chamber and take brownish herbs on the top shelf" Jin whispered to Namjoon and RM tilted his head to the side to listen better

"Is he here?" Yoongi asked, hopefully looking behind Namjoon's back

He noticed that younger male had a position that indicated that he's listening to someone and Yoongi just assumed randomly

"Yes. he says to go to his chamber and take brownish herbs from top shelf. They will help Jimin" Namjoon tried to crack a smile but fails

"Gomabseubnida Jin hyung" Yoongi says and looks behind Namjoon, he looks at nothing in particular. His eyes just run around the small space and Jin smiles before saying

"Tell him that everything will be okay" Jin asks Namjoon a favor

"He says that everything will be okay" Namjoon quotes his hyung and Yoongi smiles

"Annyeong Joon. Gomabseubnida hyung" Yoongi says and he's gone in a flash of light to get herbs and save his little mochi

[the end]


Ehm, Kaneki, what kind of logic is this? Boi you confuzing af tbvfh

Ehm, Kaneki, what kind of logic is this? Boi you confuzing af tbvfh

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