Chapter 9- Mom, Dad...

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Kaylie's POV

I knew that look on my daughter's face. She was debating whether to tell us or not.

"Naida... are you ok? Who wrote the letter?" I asked as calmly as I could.

She seemed to shiver, but it could be my imagination, for she responded as calmly as I had asked.

"It says Captain Samelson, mom." she handed me the envelope, and I guessed I was not crazy or imagining stuff, her hand trembled a bit when she gave me the letter and she had a longing look for it. Like she didn't want to give it away. Like she wanted to be the first one to know what was in it.

I opened the envelope slowly, watching her every reaction. Her posture was stiff, her breathing was deep and nervous, her eyes stared at my hands as they unwrapped the letter from its envelope.

What was it with Captain Samelson writing a letter? Maybe she was nervous because of what she had found out earlier this morning when she went to the city...

I then focused my attention to the letter, unfolding it and looking attentively for any sign of silvering. The patrolers were using gloves, and we didn't want to risk it.

Finding no danger, I proceeded to read it, sitting on the couch slowly.

"Alpha and Luna. Princess.

I, Captain Samelson, ask for permission to enter your pack's territory, and for a hearing. I wish to speak in behalf of the human population and get to an agreement which benefits both of our races. I acknowledge that this is a very delicate subject for both werewolves and humans, and because of this I expect to remain in this planet for at least a month, while the negotiation takes place.

I also would like to ask for your pack's respect, we don't mean any harm or trouble. We were sent with a mission we expect to complete. So we can't promise we won't defend ourselves if needed. If a member of your pack tries to harm any of my men, I will have to let them act aggresively in order to defend themselves.

We will be waiting for your response.

Captain Samelson."

"Mom..." I heard my daughter's voice trail off, her look on her father's face.

"Kay, what does the letter say?" Cedric sat beside me and took the letter from my hands, which were now trembling.

"Send a messenger. We are recieving some humans here in the castle." I spoke loud enough for the patrolers to hear me.

They hesitated a second, glancing at an amused Alpha.

"Was I not clear?" I spoke roughly this time. I hated when they doubted my orders.

"I think you heard your Luna..." Cedric growled a bit at their attitude.

They tensed and went away, their faces paling at the sudden outburst of their leaders.

"Naida... what were you saying earlier?" I signaled for her to come closer.

She hugged her sides with both her arms and bowed her head.

"Uhm... Mom, Dad, I needed to tell you guys something really important... It's about my.." she was cut off one again. This time, I sensed why.

I could feel it in my skin, my wolf snarled in anger, my eyes narrowed at the sudden change in the atmosphere. Cedric's chest trembled with a low and dangerous growl. Naida's eyes widened and her head snapped up.


They had entered the pack's territory.

I could hear our warrior's minds and wolves getting uneasy. Howls erupted from every part in the town nearest to the castle's grounds.

"Rogues." Naida's voice echoed in my head as Cedric and I exchanged determined looks.

"Don't think about it.." I stood up before he finished his sentence.

"It's also my pack, Ced. Naida, stay here with Christie. Viane!!! Shawn!!" Naida flinched at the authority in my voice. Yeah, even being a daughter of mine she flinched.

"But... Mom... I.." I glared at her, knowing what she was thinking.

"You aren't fighting, not this time." I stated, glancing at Cedric shortly before heading to put my suit on.

"You know I could help! Why won't you let me fight? You did it all the time when you were my age!"

"This isn't the time, Nay. Just please do as I say." I sighed before ordering Christie to hold her back.

She nodded and bowed once, going into the room with Nay, who had reached the window, anxiety dripping from her pores.

I shook my head and locked the door behind me after Cedric went out to organize the warriors.

I then hurried to our room and took out my battle suit. I caressed the dark fabric and threw it on, my mind set on one sole thing: dealing with the pups that tried taking away our pack's peace.

I let out a yelp of surprise as my palm glowed once again, without me provoking it.

"This isn't going to be a normal pack-rogue fight..." Lex stated.

"I hope it is nothing too serious... But if this makes my palm glow..."

"It can only mean one thing." she snarled.

"Shit is about to get real."

I tested my earth sensors, noticing that every living thing was controllable now. I focused on making a small wind storm and I soon heard yelps of surprise outside. I smirked

Water was next. I moved my hand in circles as a small ball of water grew, floating on my palm. Fire...I decided I wouldn't use it. It was way too dangerous for everyone including myself. It had been the only element I had trouble with.

"Ready to kick some wolf ass?"

"As ready as I'll ever be.." Lexi hissed.


Sweet angels!! Another chapter!!!

Guess what happens next and comment!!

Vote if you liked and tell me what should I do next!!

I hope you forgive me for the marathon thingie:(

Loving you lots!!

-Stardust xx.

Royal Alpha: ImplacableDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora