Chapter 2- Letter

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Kaylie's POV

"Cedric, where do you think she might be now? I've searched every place in the castle and she isn't there!" I groaned in frustration as I let my head fall back into his chest just as his arms wrapped around my waist. We were currently in the castle's back garden.

He chuckled quietly and kissed the side of my neck.

"Maybe she's out in the forest, she's just like you. Never one to obey rules, well except in serious business." he mumbled as his nose trailed my neck up to my hair.

I sighed and closed my eyes.

It had been seventeen years already, seventeen since our beautifula Naida had entered this world. We were just weeks far from her eighteen birthday.

I thought of something and groaned again.

"What is it Kay?" Cedric turned me around, confusion written all over his face.

I put my arms around his neck.

"I forgot about the mind links." I facepalmed with one hand as Cedric burst out laughing.

"Ohhh shut up!" I smacked his chest as he tightened his arms around me and lifted me in the air, my legs instinctively wrapping around his torso. My eyes fixated on his, admiring the perfection of them, getting lost in the study.

"I love you." he whispered against my lips, brushing them lightly, my eyes fluttering for a moment.

"I love you too." I mumbled back before pressing my lips against his. Every kiss he had given me was just as if we kissed for the first time, breathtaking, unique.

He started trailing my lower lip, biting it softly and tugging a bit at it. I let out a low moan, unintentionally earning me a louder growl from him. I parted my lips slightly, deepening the kiss.

"Mom? Dad? Where were you... Ohh holy moon!! What the heck?! Go find yourselves a room!!" I heard the voice of Naida ring up in my ears.

Cedric started laughing and I joined him as I got down and stood up on my feet.

"Wait till you meet your mate, I'm pretty sure I'll be the one interrupting you and asking you for decency!" I chuckled.

Her face was priceless.

Her eyes had widened and her jaw was almost reaching the ground, she had a look of utter shock.

"Moooom!" she groaned as she hid her face in both her hands, her blonde hair covering the sides of her head.

"And I'll have to kick someone's butt if I find you busy." Cedric laughed as he wrapped an arm around me, bringing me close to his torso.

"Daaaad!" she squealed as she shook her head in embarrasment.

I smiled at her now, sympathetically. She rolled her eyes and laughed shortly before focusing again.

"Anyways, I was out in the forest, just walking, and I found this on the way." she handed me a sheet of paper, which was pretty messed up. It had some cuts, it was dirty and the edges were rough.

I frowned at Cedric, showing him the sheet, which had some sort of a letter written on it.

"Thank you, dear, you should go and hang with your friends now, just remember the rules and don't enter the abandoned city on the borders of the castle's grounds. I have told you it is very dangerous, the humans left a lot of weapons there." I looked at her sternly, letting her know this was no joke.

She nodded once and her golden eyes shone with excitment.

"Yes, mom, dad. I'll see you at dinner!!" she yelled turning around and sprinting towards the town, maybe to meet her friends.

I sighed and turned my attention to Cedric.

"I still don't get how did she get golden eyes. Do you think she might be like me?" I asked shakily.

Cedric shook his head seriously.

"I don't know, perhaps. But she hasn't shown any signs of being like you so far, I guess we'll have to wait for her wolf's birthday." he smiled shortly before dragging me back into the castle.

"We should check that letter, I'm surprised it wasn't burnt or torn apart." Cedric spoke quietly as we entered his office.

"Do you think it might be about.. You know.. The humans?" I whispered quietly just in case someone near us was hearing. Cedric was reading the letter, frowning at times, making me curious about its message.

"I shoulds say, it IS from the humans, here, take a look." I frowned as he handed me the letter, eyeing me carefully.

I looked at him a bit confused some seconds before turning my gaze on the letter.

It read:


The wolf puplation has taken over, it isn't safe fo us to remain here on this planet. I suggest you we leave and take what is left of the human race as soon as we can. We are low of food and guns already. We'll be expecting your decision by tomorrow's noon.

As I told you before, it is possible that we can take our planet back again in the future, once we grow an army and weapons capable of erasing the werewolf population forever.

Waiting for orders,

Captain Samelson."

I put a hand over my mouth as a gasp left my lips.

My eyes searched for Cedric once again, my mind wandering over everything at once.

"Could this be what our wolves sensed that night? At our coronation? That the humans will come back?"

"It could be, but they can't tell if it is that or something else. We will never be able to understand how their senses work." He shrugged his shoulders as he sighed in frustration.

I got up from my seat and went to the north glass wall. We could see part of the forest and the closest town to the castle.

If the humans came back, we would have no choice but fight or talk to them into a peace agreement. But, knowing them, we knew that this meant playing with fire. One wrong move and we would start a war all over again. And gosh, we hadn't achieved this much in the last fifty years since they were gone to throw it all away.

I knew that my pure form would come back, but I didn't want to fight. I knew that my powers would end them if I wanted, but I wasn't killing anyone. Darrian's death was necessary, this could be avoided...

"Mom? Dad? Help!" I heard Naida suddenly shout into the link.

"Naida?! Where are you? What's wrong?" I panicked, suddenly worrying about the contents of the letter.

She seemed hesitant to answer, but once I heard her I knew why.

"We are at the abandoned city."


I know you'll hate me:P But I had to!

Chapter 2 of the sequelmy sweet angels!!

Vote and comment if you liked!

BTW!!! I need to edit this one, so you dont confuse mindlinks and convs.

Naida is turning to be quite a rebel huh?

Loving you lots!! Hope you enjoy the chap!

-Stardust xx.

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