Chapter 33 - Stars

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Naida's POV

  I growled as I was tackled on my side and snapped my snout at my attacker.  

I was currently training, gaining back my strength, for my parents had decided that it wasn't necessary for me to hide my wolf anymore.

Everyone knew now, not just warriors and close friends. They knew now not to mess with the royal princess.

"Fuck, Nay, you need to focus if we want to build up your strength!!" I heard Christie curse at me.

"Gee, happy of seeing you too after everyone thought I was dead..." I mumbled sarcastically in my mind.

"Fuck that, you know damn well I'm freaking happy of seeing you are alive but we still need to train you!" 

And down to the floor I go. Again.

"Give me a break!! I need a break!!" I whimpered, which brought slightly unwanted attention.

"What did you do to her?! I swear that even if you are her best friend I'm gonna kill you myself if you hurt her...

I groaned mentally, here we go... yet again.

"Don't talk like that to her or you'll regret it, mate to the princess or not." 

I growled at that.

I got back on my feet and growled at Chase.

He flinched a tiny bit and Hayden was about to laugh when my head turned to him, same glare.

"I don't need two fucking overprotective males watching our every move okay?? Go patrol or something! We will handle ourselves."

"As if that's happening, I'm staying."

"Same here."

I groaned and huffed at them. Great, team up against the defenseless girl.

"Do whatever you want, I don't care. Just stay out of this if you don't want heads rolling any time soon."

Christie was sitting down on the ground watching the whole exchange. I could almost sense her laughter.

"Don't laugh, they treat us as if we were kids."

"To them, we practically are. We wouldn't even be on the training grounds if it were for them."

I sighed. If it were for them... we would be tied up to a bed. And I'm not even speaking on the fun side of it.


"Want to try again? You've gotten quite weak." She teased.

I lunged at her and she dodged easily. I jumped at her again and once more, she dodged. Could she stop mving perhaps? That way it would be way easier to tackle her!

A loud whiny sound left my snout and I sat down looking away.

"This isn't working!"

"Maybe it's because you are fighting against me, maybe you should try dueling with another wolf."

"That would work if Hayden wasn't here, doubt he'd let me do much before saying it has been enough for the day."

"I can't take care of that."

I huffed and shook my head.

"Do whatever you want, if you two start a fight I'm putting both of you on time out."

She ran behind a tree to find her clothes and came back in her human form.

Chase immediately went to her and snatched her up from the ground. I wanted to laugh at how endearing they were, mates.

She sent me a quick glance and mumbled something into Chase's ear, probably telling him her plan to make me stronger. I went behind a big bush and changed as well, putting my training clothes back on.

I jogged a bit around the field trying to relax the tension that had built up on my muscles. My thoughts soaring above the clouds, mind racing over a million things and nothing at once. I came back from death, not quite but almost. I could have been buried alive... And only Hayden would have known... He probably would have dug to get me out, but the mere idea of it chilled my bones and made my spine shiver.

The train of thoughts was interrupted by a wall of fur.

I fell to the ground with a growl and small groan.

"The fuck happens to you, people? Be careful!!"

I froze as I noticed I was right in the middle of the field, between two wolves, apparently. Had I just jogged

"Oh, sorry guys... Didn't notice where I was going... keep up the good work...yeah... I'll just leave you to it."

I blushed furiously as I noticed every human form was shaking with the efforts of not laughing, while every wolf had tilted their head while looking at me.

I did hear a loud laugh on one end of the field. One gorgeous, musical, angel-like  laugh that belonged to my mate. A very un-ladylike high pitched whine left my lips as I pouted at him from where I was standing.

I jogged to him and jumped into his arms, not caring who saw.

"What you laughing at?" I messed up his hair and ran my fingers through it.

"At my little mate, who happens to be on another planet lately."

I hummed and he kept looking at me.

"You okay, babe? You have been pretty distracted during training today."

I remained silent and rested my head on his chest.

"To be honest? I haven't seen my parents at all today. I'm worried they might be getting themselves into trouble, wouldn't be the first time. I start to feel that our genes include magnets for problems."

"Wouldn't doubt it, but they are grown ups, and due to everything I have heard of them, they can handle whatever comes at them. Don't worry about them."

I pursed my lips together tightly.


"Why don't we try training you like they trained me?"

I thought about it for a second. Maybe I should train like a human first, then jump into wolf stuff.

"If it's in our human form I don't think I'll have any problems."

"That's what she said..." I heard him mumbled and I had to clasp a hand to my mouth to avoid laughing loudly. 

"You pervert."

"You love me." He kissed my temple and I couldn't help but smile. 

"So, human training!"

"Yeah, don't get to excited, it isn't easy."

"We will join you! I haven't had a good exhausting training in weeks!!" Chase chimed in, Christie's face equally excited.

I groaned. Honestly, human training, how hard could it get?


Gonna leave this here and run as quickly as I can...

-Stardust xx.

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