Chapter 32- Two Doubts

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Cedric's POV

I held my mate in my arms, breathing in her scent, her essence hitting every part of my nervous system with a relaxing shock. I could never get enough of this.

"She is alive, Ced. She was never dead." her ever sweet voice mumbled, trembling with emotion.

"I know, she was never gone." I kissed her ear and stroke her side.

If I were a werecat I would be purring with contentment. 

How didn't we notice her scent was fresh? How could that slip our mind?

"I have been thinking the same." she spoke quietly and I felt her shift in my arms, turning to look at me.

"There is someone out there. Someone who is playing with our minds. It affected Hayden's and Naida's directly, and ours indirectly. I just wonder... who could it be? Darrian had few actual loyal followers, and even if it was one of them... I t would have to be super strong or have... abilities."

Her eyebrows were knitted together, giving her the cutest of confused looks.

Focus, there is a problem here! I slapped myself mentally.

"Yeah, I was just wondering if..." No, that would be stupid... it was almost impossible...

"No... it can't be... He was mateless... it was part of the curse..."

"What if the Moon Goddess gave him a second chance? Or what if that part of the curse was a lie he was told? Or maybe he invented that..."

"No, his wolf wouldn't have found peace as easily if he lied..."

"Just think about it... revenge and hatred has been the thing to give trouble. Always."

I held her tighter in my arms, remembering how I felt the night I found out she had been kidnapped during one of the battles.

"What if his mate is alive? What if the curse only talked about not FINDING her? We recognize our mates by scents, sights  and wolf connections. What if the curse only "blinded" him so he couldn't find her?"

Kaylie froze and I looked down at her face.

She had paled and gone cold.

"Sweetheart?" I shook her gently until she turned to look at me, fear spreading over her face.

"The monster we saw? What if I didn't kill the darkness? What if I only stopped it?" her voice trembled with each word.

"The curse didn't die... it was only passed on to another person..."

"Darrian's mate." She gasped and sat up just as those words left her mouth.

"I need to place charms all over the castle. That thing is after us. She wants to end us."

I pulled her back on the bed and hugged her.

"You aren't going anywhere, the guards can wake us up if anything weird happens, there is always someone on patrol." 

"But what if one of them is the thing? We already had slips with that guy Landon and his partner." 

"It has to be a female, and female rogues are known for being solitary but attractive to mateless wolves... If she isn the monster she has an extra thing to convince men to follow her: fear."

"We need to find her, before she brings the entire race down."

"We will find her, I'll send hunting and tracking groups out tomorrow. It would help if you could give them a hint of what we are trying to search for though."

She thought about it shortly before nodding.

"I could charm the place where she attacked, so the scent was fresher."


"What about Hayden and Naida though? What are we supposed to tell them? What's their role in this?"

I looked up to the ceiling. She had kindapped Naida and tried to control Hayden, but why? Kaylie had killed Darrian. If this woman was looking and living  by the phrase "An eye for an eye" shouldn't she be trying to kill me? If she wanted revenge against Kaylie for killing her mate...

"That's what has me anxious, why is she targetting them?"


We had made a realization, but had opened two doubts tonight.

It was Darrian's mate, but who was it? And why was she targetting the half-blood and not the pure-blood?



I need ideas!!! Best ones will be used and will earn a dedication in my next chapter!!!

-Stardust xx.

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