Chapter 15 - Zivena

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Tears are trailing down her face as she relives the pain.

"Have you not thought about why you and Mictain were born within days of each other? The moment Anubis died his power was transferred to Mictain and Mictain was born a day later. I died three days after Anubis. Thus my power became yours and you were born the day after I died."

In amongst the sadness I feel for Isis, anger is building. Why is it right for the world to bring two people together, that are meant for each other, and then tear them apart? My mind can't - no, won't - grasp the thought that I have been made for Mictain and vice versa. Don't I have a say in who I get to spend my time with?

Isis smiles, tired. "Fight it all you want, Zivena. Eventually the universe will win."


"Zivena, it's simple. I don't know why you can't understand this," Artemis says bluntly. "Actions speak louder than words." She repeats for the hundredth time.

I look at her blearily. Even though I had a good night's sleep I feel like I've been hit by a bus. The 'dream session' with Isis last night had been intense. Trying to find some ridiculous wall in my mind is harder then I thought.

Artemis is standing in the middle of a forgotten classroom. For the last two months she's been teaching Mictain and I how to read a crime scene and people. I also figured out that I could spread my power around me to pick up any unnatural disturbances. But it only seems to work in natural environments...

I had explained to Artemis that I don't need to know how to read someone's body language to know what they're feeling, yet she still insists that I learn.

Mictain shifts uncomfortably next to me. "I didn't get it either, so don't worry," he says quietly, as if he believes Artemis can't hear him.

I turn to glare at him. "Mictain, it's sweet that you tried, but we both know you're lying."

I'd never seen someone take to analysing a crime scene like he did. Mictain blushes, looking away.

"Are you done flirting?" Artemis's strong voice jerks my gaze away from Mictain. I feel blood rush to my cheeks. "Good. Let's try again."

Artemis rolls out her shoulders, a gesture I notice she does whenever she is impatient. "Don't give her the answer Mictain. She needs to figure it out on her own." Then she begins.

Artemis's blue eyes start shifting around the room. Never looking me in the eye but she isn't moving her body. We are trying to recreate an instance in which I'm talking to a victim or witness. After a few moments she stops and crosses her arms. The leather from her jacket makes a creaking noise.

"So?" She asks.

I stand there and try to think but my mind is like mush.

"Seriously?" Artemis frowns. "You don't have a natural knack for these things like Mictain but that was gods damn easy."

"Fine. Umm," I pause. "Are you trying to find an escape route or a way to leave the conversation?"

"Yes! Thank Amon you're actually using your brain Zivena."

"Oh, come on. I'm tired!" I protest. "We've been in this room for like two hours. My brain feels like it's going to ooze out of my ears."

"Quit your complaining. We're done now anyway." Her curly brown hair whips around and she leaves the room. I stare incredulously after her.

Mictain and I leave in silence. As we head down the hallway I notice how at ease he seems. There's no tension in his shoulders or deep frown on his face. I feel a little smug when I realize that he is only ever like this around me. Then I blanch. He is only like this around me. Oh, hell.

Life - Life & Death Book 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin