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That night as I slept I felt myself being pulled into a dream. It was so bright and warm there were no injuries. "Hello nevin nightwalker, elderon rider of nightwing son of Derek elderon brother of Darin elderon. And welcome to my palace." A strange but soothing voice said making me turn. I saw a man dressed in a deep red shirt and black pants his hair was yellowish orange and his eyes were a deep welcoming blue. "Who are you?" I asked cautiously. "I am the God Nireus" the man said "Am I dead?" I then asked freaking out a little. "No young one you are not. You see my younger sister ivrena Goddess of the dragons heard your dragons calls and insisted I see you. You see Atreus is my elder brother and twin to Lumina the eldest of us all. You from across the ocean do not know of us but the people of this isle do. Atreus is the god of darkness and night. But he became corrupted and wanted to be superior to Lumina the Goddess of light and day. Their battles have always been grand leading to great storms and disasters. But Atreus had done something unheard of and sided with a human in their war. Promising riches and greatness he and the human planned to rule the entire world. Lumina cannot fight against the humans and created dragons to fight for her and lead to the first bonds between human and dragon. Also gifting our littlest sister a title. But now Atreus is up to his tricks again and dragons alone are not enough to stop him. Ivrena suggested you after consulting silentclaw and hearing your dragons pleas." Nireus said. "For me to do what exactly?" I asked again confused. "For you to bond with a God. It would give you the strength to defeat Dominic and Atreus. And after much debate I am the luck one to join you. After all I am the third born, God of beginnings and dawn. Much better than kyemus or Daton." He said with a chuckle that made the sky glow and ripple with colors. "Whoa what! Why me?! I'm not even from this island in the first place. Shouldn't someone like kyler or Omnirock be chosen? Or any of the girls? Irene, Alana, juniper, or Skye?" I asked backing up. "Nevin, it is understandable to be afraid but come look at what could happen in the very near future." Nireus said gesturing towards the wall. There the once pale orange wall faded then darkened. I saw women and children running fire everywhere. The men fighting off dragons from above and on the ground. My brother held in sandrunner' claws blood pool beneath him. Alana captured and caged with irene and juniper. Skye was held in Omnirock's arms as he screamed in agony. Felix fought on looking like a quiver of arrows in his chest before falling. The dragons fighting dragons before I saw nightwing fall from the sky killed by the red dragon. It flashed forwards to them riding the dragons to the mainlands overtaking the machinery of the time. Darkness ruled. It flashed to the castle I was in now but no longer pale colors but dark as the gods were all chained up weak and helpless. "This is what will come to pass if we gods and goddesses do not take action. And for us to act in the human realm we must have a vassal or host bonded to us to lend our strength." Nireas said sadly as the wall became an orange color again. "Alright I'm in. To protect my family and friends." I said while nireas looked giddy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2017 ⏰

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