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*five months later*
Now trainees poppytails  and sandrunners eggs should hatch soon.   Once they do the hatchlings will go into the system. Now dragonnets and even full dragons can sense their rider even if their rider is not their first. so there is a chance you eight could get one of the babies or a slightly older dragon. Usually though trainees get one of the hatchlings or at most a two year old dragon. It is very rare an elder will rebound even for a short time with a trainee. Now some dragons don't want a rider but are willing to help others out these are typically wild dragons. Most of the elder dragons are now wild especially if they lost their rider. These wild dragons protect the nursery or provide transportation and in some cases comfort for riders who may have lost their dragon in battle or raids." Derek said. We had been here for about five months. Uncle Millard never showed up and to Darin and I's dismay we figured he died. We  had met the king who had come to pick up irene and Alana early one day. That was also the day we discovered that Alana was the princess and irene a noble woman. King Leander was kind with just greying brown hair and sparking green eyes, and his dragon embersky was huge navy blue and white dragon. "How will we know when a dragon has bonded with us?" I asked curiously. "You will know for the bonding is different for everyone. But a temporary bond is the same it is what allows most to talk to dragons. A life bond between dragon and rider is unique. From that bond their name will come forth." Derek said as sandrunner huffed softly ruffling all of our hair. "It's getting late now so that is all. Run along now" Derek said noticing the approaching dragon that was the others ride home.

After the others were taken Darin and I helped pick up and gather wood for the fire. "Boys you have been such a blessing to me. I've talked it over with the king and Queen. I wish to take you in. I don't mean like a father so stop giving me that look Darin. Like your uncle. It would make you both full citizens of dragon isle and being my wards of a sort will open plenty of doors here. Just think it over a bit. " Derek said suddenly. I looked at Darin who looked at me wide eyed. "Just a moment Derek. We won't go far." Darin said grabbing my hand and dragging us outside the house. "What Darin?" I asked. "Nevin what about mom and dad? I thought we might possibly go back. We are sixteen now! We should be driving as going on dates." Darin started ranting. "Mom and dad never cared for us and the only ones who would miss us are Kelly and uncle Millard and Millard died. Besides dragons are cooler than any old sports car and I saw you making eyes at Alana. Aiming high brother?" I said crossing my eyes with a smirk. "Yea your right. And I can't help it she's just so perfect and my heart feels like a hatching dragonnet." Darin said. "Good so we are agreed?" I asked and he nodded.

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