New home

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Lyra then led us to a building that was pretty large. "This here is your building later once you have settled you can come up with a name for your group and it will go outside the door but be warned it will be something you will forever be known by. The steelwings were once a group here and now everyone knows their name. We have a record of all the names so you can have something unique. I'm sure Omni can help as he has witnessed many groups go through. Anyways one side has rooms and bathrooms for the girls and the other for the boys. The place is large as the middle door and area is specifically designed for your dragons to stay. Now then better get unpacking and wear something nice tonight for the welcoming feast." Lyra said before walking off. "This is so cool!" Juniper said grabbing her stuff and dashing into the girls side. We all grabbed our stuff while chuckling softly.

Each person had their own room. I somehow managed to get the one closest to the door going outside this meant I would be the first to react if someone snuck in. My room was done in soft greens and gold accents. I placed my blanket on my bed and put my bag at the foot of my bed. Besides the bed was a desk and wardrobe and a small night stand. There was a window off to the side looking out towards the main keep. I turned and looked at the wall beside the door and there was a place for any weapons we may have. I placed my bow up but kept my short sword. Both were marked with a bit of orange. Darin's borrowed weapons from Derek had blue marking. I decide to explore and maybe find Darin. Leaving my room I found Darin closing the door to his room. "Come on let's check this place out!" Darin said excited. I nodded as we walked around. The hall was pretty bare of life but we found Omni and kyler on the other side of a set of double doors in the middle of the hall. "I'm guessing these are the doors to the lounge and where the dragons stay." Kyler said. "I think so. I've never really been in this type of housing just the one in the keep." Omni said. Darin nodded and pushed the doors open for us to find the girls already exploring the area. "Finally and people say girls take forever!" Juniper shouted. "Oh yea the wash rooms are over there the door on your side is the guys I'm pretty sure it connects to the hall over there like it does for our side." Skye said suddenly. We all nodded and moved to sit down. I leaned against the wall just observing and noticed that the sides were lined with sand and heat lamps. "Those are for the dragons." Irene said suddenly beside me startling me. "Irene! Don't sneak up on people like that. But thank you." I said placing my hand over my heart as she laughed softly.

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