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We walked back and saw poppytail (who was a lithe red-orange dragon) on the attack but unwilling to leave the cave. Sandrunner was helping and so was Derek they were fighting off unknown riders. We raced up I pulling my bow off and shot an arrow at the dragons wing not willing to kill the dark green dragon. It screeched and its rider turned and returned fire throwing a small knife at us. "Darin!" I shouted pushing him out of the way but it caught me in the arm. I hissed but kept going drawing another arrow as Darin pulled out his sword. Both weapons including the sword at my hip were Derek's we let us practice with.

Suddenly another dragon landed behind us this one rust red colored with black eyes and black armor. "Nevin duck!" Darin shouted as the dragon shot fire at us. I wildly shot my arrow and the dragon did stop roaring in pain and swiping a paw at me. But I ducked and rolled even as Darin slashed the pad of its foot. It retreated and by the sounds of it the dark green got away too as poppytail roared sadly. More dragons approached but these wore the symbol of the kings riders. Darin and I were panting and I clutched my arm to stop the blood. "Darin nevin are you guys alright?" Derek asked running over. "I'm fine but nevin took a throwing knife to the arm." Darin responded as Derek tore his shirt and tied it around my arm. "I'll tend it better once the kings riders leave." Derek said but sandrunner was sniffing me and Darin over carefully and gently pulled me closer to her circling her tail around me and hissing lowly at the kings men. "What happened?" The leader of the squadron asked. "Steelwings. They must be desperate to come here. They got one egg but it was by luck. They almost had two of it wasn't for nevin and Darin. They distracted the rider and nevin hit the dragon on the edge of its wing. You may be able to follow the trail." Derek said "will do Derek elderon." The leader said and they took off. "Come on sandrunner let's get the boys inside. Yes yes I know he's hurt. Well he's not a hatchling now is he? Hmph of course you see them that way. If your so concerned talk to the boy himself! Now let's get them home so I can tend to that arm!" Derek snapped at sandrunner which shocked Darin and I. Sandrunner huffed and gripped the back of my shirt with her fangs and picked me up. "Sandrunner!" I shouted squirming around. "I'd stop that or the fall will hurt hatchling." A soothing voice echoed in my head. I stopped but more so because I was shocked she spoke to me. Once home she placed me gently on my feet and sniffed me over again. "I'm fine really. Sandrunner. But thank you." She hummed and laid outside the house as I walked in and sat at the table as Darin walked in. "She really cares about us." Darin said. "Yea." I muttered as Derek came in and started tending to my arm. "Derek the answer is yes." I said when he finished up. His smile was bright and excited. "Wonderful. Now I can go about and tell people in down my boys took down steelwings still in training." Derek said proudly. "But no using that arm for a while nevin." Derek said to me sternly going back to his usual stern self. "Derek why did that guy call you elderon?" Darin asked. "Because when I was a trainee an elder formed a bond with me. He had been my grandfathers dragon and he knew his time was short after my grandfathers death. He taught me how to really be one with dragons like I teach all of you. Because of it I'm highly respected as elders don't usually do that. So I became an elderon. Meaning elder rider. Sandrunner is actually the elder dragons daughter. His only child." Derek said "now let's get to sleep tomorrow we go to the palace to make this official." Derek said before going to his room. We just stared at him.

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