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When I woke next it was bright and to a very very loud roaring sound. "I'm coming hold on!" I heard the man say as he left the house in a rush. I looked about and based on the sun I guessed it was early or mid afternoon. I got up and went to the door where I saw the man bending over a figure in the sand but laying beside him was a golden brown dragon the same shade as the couch.  "Nevin right? Get me a cup of clean water!" The man shouted and I did as asked walking slowly up beside the dragon who huffed at me. Then I looked at the man and he was kneeling over Darin! "Darin!" I shouted nearly spilling the water. "Should have known he looked like you. Help me get him to drink my dragon sandrunner found him a mile or so from here in the sun." The man said. I nodded and helped him get water into my brother who looked really burnt. "Alright we need to get him inside and out of the sun so I can treat his burns." The man said standing and scooping my brother up. Sandrunner huffed and shuffled its wings before walking towards the house which I now noticed had a large cave next to where the dragon was heading. I followed the man inside and sat by my brother as the man made up some sort of yellow green paste. "What is your. Name?" I asked realizing he never told me. "The names Derek. And before you ask this is dragon isle. And for the record sandrunner is a female." Derek said coming over and rubbing the paste onto my brother. "What's that do?" I asked. "Ever so many questions? It's a healing paste made of dragon scales and aloe it takes less time for the burn to heal." Derek said standing. "Now are there many others we need to watch the shores for?" He asked suddenly. "Only my uncle Millard. He's in his forties. Blonde with blue eyes." I said "alright sandrunner and I will scan the coast quick. Don't wander far. A few people might drop by I'm a dragon trainer and some new trainees were coming by. I'd also avoid the cave. There are eggs in there. And quite possible a mother dragon." Derek said leaving me and my brother alone.

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