First flight

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Nightwing  came over and sniffed it before huffing and gazing at some of the older dragons flying about. "What is it nightwing?" I asked placing a hand on his flank as Derek and Darin wandered over to our lodgings. "I want to feel what they feel. I want to fly with you and know the bond of true dragon and rider." Nightwing rumbled longingly. I thought of the feelings of flight I had with silentclaw. "Let's do it but we have to be careful. We don't have a saddle to help me stay on." I said firmly as he let me climb up. "I won't let you fall." He rumbled before I felt his muscles ripple strongly. With a few powerful wing beats we were up in the air. "Yes! I knew you could do it nightwing!" I shouted even as we flew higher and higher. "Yes." Nightwing growled as we soared. "Foolish hatchlings return at once!" Sandrunner's voice echoed in our minds. "Great now we are in trouble." I said. "But so worth it!" Nightwing muttered as he brought us carefully down. The landing was a bit rough and I got tossed from being jostled. But I never hit the ground but found myself in a familiar predicament from many months ago when sandrunner carried me. She set me down and sniffed me over even as night wing came over scared he had somehow hurt me. "I'm fine." I said loudly. "But you could have been seriously hurt! Did you not think of that? The elders were slow due to their age but nightwing is still just a hatchling! Bareback like that one wrong move and you would be at the mercy of the goddess! How would Darin feel loosing his brother like that? What of your team? What of sandrunner and myself? If you wanted to see if you could fly why not request it during training?" Derek said shouting loudly. I cringed back never had i seen him this angry. "Derek I felt nightwing was ready a few weeks ago about Darin and i's birthday. I consulted the flying instructor but he said that nightwing was not ready. And when we flew just now I knew the risks we both did I requested going slow. And we moved in sync with each other. The only harsh part was the landing." I said hiding any quake to my voice as I stood. "Who was the instructor?" Joni asked suddenly shocking everyone. "Ryker Chavez, sir." I stated. "Chavez! Explain now why you turned him down without an attempt first?" Lyra exclaimed as Joni seemed dazed. "I wanted to help my nephew be the first in his group to fly. When this newly arrived youngling thought his dragon was ready I could not allow it." Chavez explained. "That was irresponsible of you uncle ryker. Turning them down forced this issue. I don't care if they were the first to fly. Just having ivylight is a blessing from the goddess. Mother will be disappointed in you." Kyler said smoothly. "Now then Chavez, it seems you have done more harm than good but you are a brilliant instructor. You will be put to helping in the kitchen and no teaching lessons for two months. I hope this has taught you and any others about following the rules. Your lucky if this doesn't reach the palace!" Joni stated firmly. The crowd dissipated after that and kyler nodded to me before wandering off leaving me with Derek and Darin. I smiled sheepishly at the two of them but Derek frowned while Darin gave me a secret thumbs up.

*few weeks later*
After the fiasco of nightwing and I's flight the fellowship began getting trained by Lyra herself. We were to make our own basic saddle for our dragons in preparation for when we graduated and made our own forever saddle. We had all finished and had placed them on our dragons letting them get used to the feeling. "Now then I know nightwing is flight worthy but what about the rest of you?" Lyra asked. "I think they are all ready Lyra. Even skysong and rainshadow are the same size I first felt that nightwing was ready to fly." I said when my team remained silent conversing with their dragons. "Hmm yes you are correct nevin. So let's go flying shall we then?" Lyra said with a grin. We all got on our dragons.

Nightwing and I took off hovering and lending help to the others who really needed it. Once all the dragons and their riders were airborne it was smooth sailing on the wind currents from there! Nightwing and I were trying some new flight maneuvers when he pulled up short and watched as rainshadow had cut us off with Irene laughing freely on her back. The small dragon was fast. Her body streamlined through the air, the gold scales flashed on her white body and unique blue green wings. While I could hear nightwing muttering to himself about rainshadow, I thought more on the rider. Irene was beautiful and carefree. always optimistic and willing to help others. She wasn't a fighter though. And it seemed neither was her dragon. Both rider and dragon were small but that meant nothing. "She will be mine." Nightwing and I said to each other before laughing to ourselves as we flew off again. Hoping to show off a bit and win our ladies.

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