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I slowly regained consciousness and groaned. "Oh thank goodness your awake! Nivea call the fellowship he's awake!" A soothing voice shouted and I opened my eyes to a painfully bright room with an older woman sitting beside me. "You gave us quite a scare young man. You slept for seven days. Any longer and I would have feared you would never come back to us." The woman said as my group barreled into the room. "Nevin!" Darin shouted looking me over. "Don't ever do that again! I can't loose you!" Darin said softly to me. "I'm alright Darin. I'll live hopefully." I said "oh you will live alright. Auntie Gwen is the best healer. And she's been caring for you the whole time. If your alive now you will recover." Omnirock said from the door even as the girls rushed my bed. Kyler chuckled as I was fussed over mainly by irene and Alana. "Nevin do you need anything to drink?" Irene asked from beside me. "Actually yes my mouth feels like cotton." I said with a grimace that made everyone laugh. Irene help up a cup of what looked like broth of some sort. I grabbed it with the hand I could move and sipped it letting the familiar taste of chicken broth slide down my throat. "Alright everyone outside the dragons are getting restless." Another girl I assumed to be Nivea said loudly. "Quite right he needs rest. Especially since word has reached the capital of his bravery." Auntie Gwen stated ushering the others out. "Don't worry Derek was informed as well!" Darin shouted leaving me worried even as auntie Gwen changed my bandages.

I was propped up on my bed eating actual food that wasn't soup when I heard a commotion outside my door. It burst open and Derek rushed in. "Nevin Elderon! You thank your lucky stars you survived that fall and the poisoned arrow. My word what will the steelwings come up with next." Derek said looking me over before hugging me. "Poisoned arrow?" I asked confused. "You didn't tell him did you?" Derek asked auntie Gwen harshly. "I wanted the lad to get better without worrying himself or the others into a frenzy thank you." She said. "Now then go see that other boy of yours Derek. And see to that black menace of a dragon. Never has a dragon protested the healing of their rider this badly!" She said forcing Derek out of the room and went about changing my bandages. My shoulder seemed fine but the impact had sliced through the muscle and it would scar over. When she did my side I actually looked this time and it was still a sickly yellow green. "Don't worry so much. That color means it's healing. The poison encouraged infection which is causing the green color. It will be fine in a few days." I jumped at irene's voice beside me. "Ah irene! About time too. I have to go check on the others mind finishing up here?" Auntie Gwen asked irene who simply nodded shyly.

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