Family day

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months later*
It was visiting day where all the family members could come and visit the trainees and Darin and I were excited to see Derek and sandrunner again! We had been writing back and forth and he told us he would have birthday presents for us as our 17th birthday had been the week before.

All our dragons had grown over the last few months and we could practice riding them as they walked not yet strong enough to fly with us yet. I felt nightwing was close though.  He was one of the larger dragonnets in our group.

The fellowship waited with the others near the gathering halls. Omnirock stayed with us even though he could go off with his family as they lived here. I waited leaning against nightwing letting him protect me from the sun. Darin did the same with hawkfire. I caught glimpse of a familiar gold dragon. "Mother." Nightwing rumbled to me. "It's about time they arrived!" Darin exclaimed making me laugh as hawkfire also had alerted him about sandrunner. "We will catch up with you guys later alright? We just saw sandrunner and I'm sure Derek will want to see you all again." I said before clambering up onto nightwings back and Darin did the same as we raced off towards sandrunner. "Sandrunner! Derek!" We shouted making Derek turn but sandrunner completely turned her head around. "My hatchlings!" Sandrunner said in her soothing voice. Once we were close she sniffed us and our dragons over. "Need more sleep." Was her comment to me before we got off our dragons so they could mingle as well. "Well now boys you both are growing into fine young men. And look at your dragons they are developing well. Not that any hatchling of sandrunner's would be anything less." Derek chuckled giving us both a hug. "Thanks Derek how are things at home?" I asked as we were released. "It's certainly a lot quieter when training season is over. But I noticed it's a lot quieter without the two of you around. Between the three of us sandrunner got a little grouchy the first month or so." Derek said with a laugh making our dragons look over at us. "We missed home too. I can't believe it's been seven months already!" Darin said as I nodded in agreement. "Ah speaking of which you mentioned that your birthday passed recently. 17 now correct?" Derek said suddenly making us nod. "Well I don't know if the others told you but on your 17th birthday boys are considered men in their own rights and are granted their own weapons." Derek said grabbing a few things from sandrunner's saddle. "Ah here you are! Your birthday presents from the two of us. For Darin a sword carved with ruins of strength and protection.

And nevin a bow with ruins of accuracy and protection

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And nevin a bow with ruins of accuracy and protection.

Along with the symbol of family

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Along with the symbol of family. The royal blacksmiths worked hard to make them for you. But if you want others to compliment your strengths you can now buy your own." Derek said handing both of us our weapons. Darin's sword was beautiful and had a sheath that was a dark brown color. My bow came in and equally as dark carrier with arrows made of lighter colored wood fletched with blue. "Thank you!" We said together and I placed my gift on my back.

Dragon isleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora