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Third Person's POV

"And how?"Yoongi asked Taehyung.

"I can already see your smile since you step out of your car,"Taehyung shrugged. "it's obvious that your happiness is right next to you..."Taehyung smirked.

Jiwoo blushed at the sudden blurt out. She put her gaze down not daring to meet any other pair of eyes. She just covered her eyes with both of her palms.

"Anyway..."Yoongi hold his blushes away. "Can you explain that you brought her real body?"Yoongi rose an eyebrow at Taehyung.

"About that..."Taehyung smiled sheepishly. "I don't really know how, the people that had sent me, they told me that to get her body from them... and people that knows her except you and me of course, they would thought that Jiwoo just had a coma"he explained.

"What the actual fuck"Yoongi stare at Taehyung in disbelief.

"So... Everyone will think I'm still alive?"Jiwoo asked.

"Indeed..."Taehyung took a sip at his latte.

Jiwoo's face lit up as her aura changed.

"Well, Taehyung, me and Jiwoo will take our leave here..."Yoongi stood up as he grabbed Jiwoo's hand and interlocked them.

"Have fun you two!"Taehyung half shouted when the other two was already at the door of the cafe.

"Where are we going?"Jiwoo asked as they walk by each other still interlocking their hands.

Yoongi stopped his steps and turned Jiwoo to meet his eyes.

"Well... I'll spoil you because it's your birthday!"Yoongi showed his gum smile to Jiwoo. "First, I'll buy you new phone!"Yoongi said excitedly.

"W-what?!"Jiwoo's eyes widened. "Y-you can't do that! It's too e-expensive"Jiwoo said.

"It's fine really..."Yoongi reassured. "and you can actually touch things right?"Yoongi asked.

Jiwoo just nodded.

"Then you have to have something to connect with me... okay?"Yoongi look at her.

"Okay fine..."she gave up and now they're walking through shops.

"I'm tired..."Jiwoo whined as they walked out from the mall.

"Aren't this girls thing to do?"Yoongi asked.

"Actually, we're kind of in common..."Jiwoo spoke as they're walking to the parking lot. "I don't really like to go shopping, it's tiring..."

"Now wonder then..."Yoongi shrugged. "Your fashion taste is kind of different tho from the usual feminine girls..."

"Yeah... I don't find skirts too appealing..."Jiwoo said.

"But I'm used to the dress that you always wore..."Yoongi scratched his nape and looked away because he blushed.

Jiwoo just chuckled.

"What happened to your dress anyway? Since that day, I mean, yesterday..."Yoongi asked, his face got even more red as he remembered what happened.

"I washed it"Jiwoo answered.

They eventually got to Yoongi's car. They drove from the mall and got home.


A/N : kinda just a filler. and i'm on my exam apparently so... yeah

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2017 ⏰

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