That's A Secret I'll Never Tell

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Life on the Upper East Side consisted of glamorous days and even more scandalous nights. Nothing about this life was normal and nor should it be. Being born into this life has allowed me to experience some of the most extravagant things in life but it has also deprived me of some of the simple things that life had to offer. I spent most of my holiday's and birthdays in one of my families many hotels with most the guest being more than twice my age and complete strangers. There was never a moment that my family did not exploit to further our business. Our family happiness rarely came above our family business. Life on the Upper East Side is not as glamorous as it is always made out to be, in fact, most of the time it's dark and lonely.

Landing back in the states was a bittersweet ending to my summer adventures. Normally when I leave the city with my friends or family we tend to go to the same extravagant restaurants and sail off in our same fantastic boats, but the only thing I take from these trips is the same things that are offered in New York but on the other side of the world. This was the first time that I got to experience the culture and history behind some of the most amazing countries. This was because I left my Upper East Side life behind and just lived life as me. There were no expectations on what I could experience. Now it's back to the life of the rich and powerful were my days will consist of keeping my perfect image through my school work, charity contributions and being the daughter of one of the wealthiest men in New York. No pressure, right?


My family driver Arthur was there to pick me up when I landed and I enveloped him in a giant hug.

"Miss Ella it's so nice to have you back home. How was your summer?" Arthur asked me as I helped him place my bags in the trunk.

"Where do I even begin? Well, Arthur, this summer is something I will never forget but I'm glad to be home."

"That's nice to hear Miss. Ella. Mr. Chuck and your father have defiantly missed you while you were traveling."

I rested my head on the window of the limo as Arthur drove to the Palace

"As crazy as those two are Arthur, I missed them too." I looked out the window to see my glorious city pass me by and all I can think about how will I keep my sanity in this beautiful crazy place. My phone vibrated and I expected it to be my brother texting me but instead, it was that incisive blast.

"Hey Upper East Siders, Gossip Girl here... and I have the biggest news ever. One of my many sources, Melanie91, sends us this: Spotted at Grand Central, bags in hand: Serena van der Woodsen. Was it only a year ago our It-Girl mysteriously disappeared for quote 'boarding school'? And just as suddenly she's back. Don't believe me? See for yourselves: Lucky for us, Melanie91 sent proof. Thanks for the photo, Mel!"

I breathe a heavy sigh. At least when I was in Europe Gossip Girl could leave me alone, but now that school is about to start so will her torture.

Chuck eventually texted me that I need to change into something nice and meet him and basically everyone on the Upper East Side at the Waldorf's. After changing into something more appropriate I made my way to the Waldorf's.

The moment I stepped through the doors people stopped me and told me how happy they are to have me back home

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The moment I stepped through the doors people stopped me and told me how happy they are to have me back home. Some tried to ask me about my summer but most were concerned with my father's investment in their company. I finally made my way through the hordes of people to spot my brother lounging on the couch with a drink in hand and that ridiculous red scarf around his neck. Sitting beside him are Katy and Iz who are gushing about the Gossip Girl blast.

"So, I traveled for the summer to get a tan and you couldn't get rid of that scarf?" my brother perked up from hearing my voice. Chuck brought me into a warm hug that I honestly missed.

"Don't mock the scarf sis. It's my signature and since you're back home where you belong you must tell us about your great European adventures."

"OMG, Elle!!! You're back. We've missed you and so has Blair!!!" Katy and Iz rushed to me in their designer shoes and I hugged them back since I did generally miss them while I was gone.

After gushing about my adventures, we all stopped what we were doing to witness Serena enter the room after being gone for a year and to see what Blair would say and do to having her ex-best friend back in town. I've only been back in New York for a few hours and the drama is already starting and there's no way for me to escape it.

"School... so I guess she's back for good." Blair stated

"Didn't you know she was coming? "Kati asked sounding shocked if someone had the nerve to come to a Waldorf party and not inform Blair.

"Course I did. I just... wanted it to be a surprise."

"It's good to know that you haven't changed a bit B." Blair turned and shrieked with excitement as she gave me a hug

"E you never told me you were back in town? We must catch up and you need to spill everything to me about your European adventures. You hardly wrote and it made me desperate enough to ask your brother if he heard from you."

I smiled at how easy it was to fall back into my old routine with my friends

"I'm sorry you had to resort to speaking to my brother. But I will tell you everything as long as you tell me how your summer went."

Blair raised one of her perfectly plucked eyebrows and smiled. "You have yourself a deal Bass."

Here's a sneak peek at my new story. I've been obsessed with Gossip Girl for a while and I love the idea of Chuck having a sister. So please read and enjoy this new story. I will try to update my other stories and edit them this summer so stay tune.

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