"I found it by this rock." I replied as I pointed it out.

"Are there anymore of these?" she asked unexpectedly excited and hopeful.

"That's the only one I found." I said, sadly.

She looked disappointed but then said, "We can find more next time. Come on. We need to get home. It will be getting dark soon."

I nodded and picked up my basket as she lead us out the cave. I loaded the basket in the truck and settled on Orion before following my mom home.


Late that night, I anticipated for the clock strike eleven. It was moving so slow. I wanted to go. Now.

I was surprisingly excited more than I thought I would be about what he had up his sleeves. This was Daniel we're talking about. He was, how I call it, "The Master of Surprise" and he certainly lived up to it perfectly. Curiosity peeked my mind on what would happen this time. The thought is making me feel more agitated.

I glanced at the clock again. It was ten minutes till eleven. I couldn't wait any longer so I immediately stood up and peeked out my bedroom door to check and see if anyone else was awake but there was none. I quietly and slowly made myself downstairs and out the front door. Sneaking out again. I don't know what's happening to me anymore. This is not good but I don't want to stop.

I took Orion and placed the riding cloth on him before leading him further away from the house. Away from my parents' hearing distance. I hopped on him then charged forward, quickly galloping through the trees and pass the clearing, only slowing down when I was already close.

When we slowed down to a stop, I hopped off Orion and tied him to a tree branch. I then called out. "Daniel? Are you there?"

"You're early." Daniel said, teasingly.

I looked up and I saw him smiling at me with his charming yet smug self.

"As are you." I teasingly retorted. "And I don't want to be fashionably late because I might owe someone again. I'm not going to let that happen."

He chuckled and said, "Too bad. That's a missed opportunity."

I shook my head amused before asking, "Are you gonna come down or not?"

He climbed down as an answer to my question, and quick at that. He stood there in front of me in his casual clothes and a bit out of breath but he still managed to look good.

'What am I saying! Snap out of it Eve!'

"So, where's the grand apology?" I asked as I tried to get my head straight.

"Coming. Soon. We just have to get there first." he said with a playful smile and a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"I don't understand." I said, confused.

"You'll see." he said, smirking at me, still playful. "Come on." He held out his hand for me to take.

"What about Orion?"

"He needs to stay behind. It will only be for a while. Here, take my hand," he said, holding his hand out to me.

I blankly looked at it then back at him when he continued and shrugged as he said, "Unless you want to get lost."

I looked at his hand again and sighed as I took it. He held my hand tight, never letting go, as we quickly began walking our way through the dense forest and further away from our tree.

"Where are we going?" I asked, curiously.

He didn't answer but kept on walking.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, hoping he would answer.

INNOCENCE (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें