Dare #28

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Hey I've been noticing I have misspelled some words, so sorry about that, I try and type fast so that's why. I hope you understand.


Feathertail- Welcome back! Sorry for that long wait I misplaced dares and yea so I kinda have to make my own with the help of Spottedleaf, Crowfeather, Jayfeather and I think that's it. Oh yea Leafpool. Yeaa, I got everything down. So shall we start with the dares?

Jayfeather- So long as it has nothing to do with me.

Spottedleaf- Ok! I'm ready! So what are we doing?

Feathertail- U know all the moons we never did these because we were too busy catching mice and herbs?

Jayfeather- You don't catch herbs. You find herbs. Know the difference.

Feathertail- yea yea. Finding herbs. We need dares because I misplaced them. Totally not my fault.

Spottedleaf- Look what I found! *mouthful of watermint*

Jayfeather- Watermint? Why do you want watermint? I have enough.

Spottedleaf- You'll thank me later.

Jayfeather- For bothering me?

Spottedleaf- I tired!

Feathertail- Excuse me? Hello? Hey!

Jayfeather- I found a whole lot on the territory not long ago. No one has any bellyaches.

Spottedleaf- Ok don't take my advice!

Feathertail- Hey!

Crowfeather- I'm needed at the WindClan camp. Bye!

Feathertail- Wait!

Jayfeather- Can't you get more catmint?

Spottedleaf- I'm done trying to help you!

Feathertail- Anyone?

Jayfeather- You never did in the first place

Spottedleaf- Yes I did! Don't you remember all those times... that I don't remember because I have too much on my mind?

Jayfeather- As I don't.

Feathertail- Ummm we'll make this up to you. Please send dares before their up at their throats! Bye. Hey wait. I think we do have dares. Oh wait no. Come on guys we have to do something.

Spottedleaf- Yea we do. We'll make everyone disappointed!

Feathertail- Ummmmmmmmm. So what do we do? Hey, where's Leafpool? Anyone seen her?

Jayfeather- Nope.

Spottedleaf- Nope.

Feathertail- Nope. Well ok, that wasn't helpful. Ugh... We'll do something once I find my misplaced dares. Sorry! Please send some, would be helpful you know?

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