Fill in

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Spottedleaf- Hi! It's me Spottedleaf! Sorry about that terrible cliff hanger back there! Well here's the fill in!

Feathertail- Hi! Fill in cancelled!

Spottedleaf- Why?

Feathertail- I don't think cats out there want to hear you talk about how the moss balls flew and how I slipped.

Spottedleaf- I wasn't going to talk about that. Well sort of. I mean come on they never got to see it or read it or enjoy it!

Feathertail- They can wait!

Spottedleaf- No they can't.

Feathertail- Yea

Spottedleaf- No

Jayfeather- I told you not to mess with my herbs!

Brightheart- You told me to put comfrey with the comfrey and that's what I did!

Jayfeather- More like you threw it in.

Cherrystream- Hi!

Firestar- Who are you?

Feathertail- Yea!

Cherrystream- I'm me!

Firestar- Whats that suppose to mean?

Spottedleaf- Sorry no.

Brightheart- It's not my fault it's dark in there! With all the smells you can't even separate on from the other!

Jayfeather- Then how come I can't differ the scents.

Bluestar- So then I said why did you eat that mouse?

Feathertail- Yea

Silverstream- Why did they eat the mouse?

Bluestar- I don't know.

Spottedleaf- No!

Brightheart- At least your face is in one piece!

Jayfeather- Yea? Well I can't tell!

Cherrystream- Where are the clans?

Jayfeather- Does that make you feel better?

Silverstream- Then what did you say?

Firestar- I'm going back to ThunderClan.

Bluestar- where are we?

Silverstream- Am I suppose to answer that?


Spottedleaf- WHAT?

Jayfeather- STOP SHOUTING!

Feathertail- WHAT?

Firestar- ...

Bluestar- QUIET!!!

*All cats look at Bluestar in silence*

Bluestar- Thank you. First off where are we?

Spottedleaf, Feathertail- We- hey- stop- are- ugh- AHHHH!

Bluestar- *rolls eyes*

Feathertail- Ugh, ok we are in a forest.

Brightheart- I think everyone cat tell.

Jayfeather- Yep everyone knows that. Can't get any simpler can it.

Feathertail- Ummm... GOODBYE!!!

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