Dare #9

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Feathertail- Welcomes! To all the clans!

Leafpool- BREAKING NEWS!!! Jayfeather has decided to join!

Jayfeather- No I haven't!

Leafpool- And more news! He has a secret love for Feathertail!

Jayfeather- One more word and I swear I will have your pelt on my den floor!

Leafpool- Lips zipped!

Jayfeather- That's it!*leaps at Leafpool*

Feathertail- Stop it! Jayfeather wait for the dare to be announced first!

Jayfeather- Fine but she's not leaving my paws!

Feathertail- Get a grip! *pulles him off, Jayfeather sends his claws through Feathertail's flank. She fluffs up and lashes her tail*

Jayfeather- I'm sorry!

Feathertail- No reason to be sorry! Your dares make up for it!

Jayfeather- *Looks at her warmly with love*

Feathertail- But... That means another trip to the medicine cat!

Jayfeather- I happen to be one!

Feathertail-*cough* On... with... the... show! *coughs*

Crowfeather- Go see a medicine cat.

Feathertail- *coughs* Good... iii-dea...*coughs some more and leaves*

Crowfeather- No way your going to be on the show! *jumps on Jayfeather* that's the 2nd time too!

Jayfeather- Off me! It's not my fault!*growls. As usual they both fight and stain blood all over the rugs*

Spottedleaf- Ok Crowfeather off of him NOW!!!

Crowfeather- He started it!

Spottedleaf- *rolls eyes* Toms! They act like newborn kits!

Crowfeather- I assure you I am far from that!

Spottedleaf- Oh yea I believe you.

Jayfeather- Show a bit of respect to the she-cat!

Crowfeather- You be quiet! If you hadn't scratched Feathertail none of this would have happened!

Feathertail- Stop!

Jayfeather, Crowfeather, Spottedleaf, Leafpool- Feathertail?

Feathertail- Yes now stop it! Crowfeather please! Please stop!

Crowfeather- Fine*jumps off Jayfeather. Jayfeather leaps to his paws.*

Jayfeather- Ok so continuing before they interrupted!

Feathertail- Ok! The dare for you is to, pick a slip!

Jayfeather- *grabs slip nervously*

Feathertail- Ok it's says... dance with a tutu!

Jayfeather- Forget it!

Crowfeather- Do it! Now!

Jayfeather- Ok! Ok! *puts tutu on and jumps around* This is so humiliating!

Crowfeather- This is oddly gladifing!

Feathertail- Agreed!

Feathertail, Crowfeather- Bye!

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