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Feathertail- I'm sorry for that dare last time. It just didn't work out I guess. With out further ado I present. Oh wait never mind I don't say it.*leaves stage*

Leafpool- With out further ado I present to you Feathertail!

Feathertail- Thats how the prey runs here!

Leafpool- Hey you know what's the next dare?

Feathertail- Oooo! Lets hear it!

Leafpool- First off the next dare is dare #20 if you haven't notice.

Feathertail- Great StarClan have we been working!

Leafpool- So that means you get dared. Oh yea Jayfeather and Crowfeather are back!

Crowfeather- About time you announced that.

Jayfeather- I couldn't agree more.

Leafpool- oh yes and your all time favorite Spottedleaf is back too!

Spottedleaf- Greetings fellow cats.

Leafpool- So today as a dare that I happen to hear, that we should each battle another cat.

Feathertail- I'm getting dared tomorrow so I guess I don't have to participate.

Leafpool- I think I have to repeat. We should each battle another cat.

Feathertail- I'm hopeless. Come on please?

Leafpool- Did I mention anyone can be excused?

Feathertail- No. HEY wait this is my show! I decide what happens!

Leafpool- Fine.

Spottedleaf- Maybe I shouldn't have come today.

Feathertail- Let's let the audience decide who should battle who. Ok cats, you can chose the following cats to battle a crew member!


Ok forget it choose anyone! It can't be crew member against crew member though. Have fun with this!


Feathertail- Guys? Want to do it today?

Leafpool- Maybe.

Feathertail- Ok first match! Who against who?

All cats- Firestar against Leafpool.

Other cats- Nightcloud against Crowfeather.

Other other cats- Jayfeather against Lionblaze.

Other other other cats- Bramblestar against Leafpool!

Other other other other cats- Squirrelflight against Leafpool!

Other other other other other cats- Jayfeather against Firestar!

Other other other other other other cats- Jayfeather against Bramblestar!

Feathertail- Ok that's enough. We could do all of them mentioned right now. you guys up to the challenge?

Crowfeather- Yeah I only am said once.

Leafpool- What? Am I like the most hated cat?

Feathertail- No I think your the most in relationship cat.

Leafpool- I didn't want an answer!

Feathertail- Hey cats maybe you should decide. They'll do the listed plus more you guys did. Make them good!

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