Chapter 8: Olive.

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(Enoch's POV)

   I woke up from my dreamless sleep, my hair looking a mess. I fixed it up a little bit, getting out of bed and heading over to my closet. I picked out a normal outfit out then took my pajamas off, to slip that on, it consisted of a simple white button down shirt with black dress pants with a black belt. As I was buttoning up my shirt, I heard a knock on the door. 'I really hope it's (Y/N) and not Olive.'

"Come in!" I shout to the unknown person. I hear the doorknob click and see a girl on the other side, Olive. Great, what could she want?

"I came here to talk about (Y/N)." She states calmly, yet i can see the anger flaring in her eyes.

"What about her Olive? Are you concerned about us? Because I feel nothing for you, and you should know that by now, I've made that very clear." I replied, anger in my voice rising. She looked hurt, I don't care anymore, she's not the person for me. I tried ushering her out of my room, but she forced her way in by going underneath my arm that is holding the door.

"I want you to break up with her. I know you're probably dating her after you kissed her, so break up with her." She snaps at me, and it hits hard and deep. I just met this girl and I already felt such a connection to her, I couldn't just leave her.

"And why should I leave her, Olive?" I snap right back at her. She gives me a mischievous look then crashes her lips on to mine, pinning me against the wall closest to my door, opening the door more in the process. She was taking dominance over me, I couldn't move, her grip was too tight on my arms. She has me pinned, 'Let me go damnit!' I wanted to scream at her, but couldn't. I heard a gasp, and Olive pulled away so I could escape. I looked at who was gasping..

"No.. this can't be... Enoch how dare you! I thought you hated her! Well I guess not anymore." (Y/N) said running downstairs in tears.

"(Y/N)! No she kissed me not the other way around!" I yelled after her, following her down the steps, not even acknowledging that other kids might still be in bed. 'I hope you're happy Olive. you might've just ruined my only chances with (Y/N), thanks a lot jerk.' I screamed at Olive in my head. I ran down the stairs only to find that (Y/N) had disappeared. Where could she have gone? It's just about breakfast time and she could get in trouble for that.

(Olive's POV) *bonus*

I watched (Y/N) run downstairs and leave to who knows where, she won't be back for awhile, that gives me some time. As I was almost in my thoughts, Enoch was already out the door chasing her, damn. Maybe I'll just leave him a note, I find a piece of paper and a quill along with some ink lying around, and started to write;


   I see that you've hurt (Y/N) I really doubt that she'll take you back after this, I know you love me and will want to be with me. I'll wait for you to find this, then come find me my love.

Love, Olive

(Your POV)

   I ran down the stairs crying, tears flooding my eyes to the point where I could barely see, causing me to almost trip. I run to the door, opening it and not bothering to close it behind me. How dare Enoch do that to me, especially after he'd said he likes me and after we'd kissed twice; I need to get away. I get outside into the courtyard, where I'd first talked to the kids yesterday. I looked around at my surroundings, my (H/C) hair flowing in the breeze. I saw a cherry blossom tree and decided to sit behind or close to the top of that. I ran over, hair getting in my face in the process. Since it was a pretty tall tree with a lot of branches, I decided to climb it. I started getting my footings and rising up the tree to the branch closest and thickest enough to sit on. Arriving at the branch, I sat atop it and curled up into a ball, hugging my knees and crying into them. I heard the wet grass under a pair of large feet getting closer, and closer until they stopped.

"(Y/N)? Are you up there?" Enoch's voice boomed at me.

"What do you want?" I snapped at him.

"I wanted to come to tell you what really happened back there if you're willing to listen to me." he pleaded to me.

"Seriously?" I snapped, "You really wanna try to explain to me what you just did? Nice try Enoch. But you'll either have to come up here or leave me alone. Your choice." I snapped again, irises turning a flaming red.

"(Y/N), please come down here, I need to show you something." He pleads again, sounding very close to tears. I groan, taking out my wings and flying down, ruggedly, almost landing on him, but he holds out his arms to cradle me bridal-style.

"T-Thanks.." I manage to stutter out, kind of shocked that he caught me, considering I'm mad at him, maybe he really does love me..

(A/n) okay. So I had at least two more paragraphs after this, and somehow in someway, I moved positions on my bed and apparently tapped the screen, SOMEHOW DELETING THOSE TWO SAID PARAGRAPHS. AND I AM SO MAD IVE LOST THE WILL TO WRITE IT AGAIN TONIGHT. I'll get back to you guys with that and more tomorrow sometime, possibly Tuesday, I'm not sure. So bear with me on this one. Goodnight lovelies and thanks for reading
-Sydney 💕

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