•Chapter 6: My First Love and Loop•

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{Your POV}

"Flower, will you be my... girlfriend?" Enoch asked me, my heart nearly stopping, his face going a deep red. I nod in response, tearing up and bouncing into his arms, swaying side to side in the process.

"Enoch," I whisper to him, "we have to get ready for dinner. We won't want to keep the family waiting." He nods and pulls away from the embrace, and goes back to his room. I walk over to my closet and pick out a nice dress left in this room, hopefully for me. (Pictured above)It has a white lace top, with a baby blue bottom, reaching about my knees, with a ribbon of the same color ribbon around the waist. Then I picked out some shoes that were a light tan with a lace design and small shoelaces in a cute little bow on the top. I put this outfit on along with my supernatural anti-possession symbol necklace which I had brought from home (pictured above), I love this necklace, and I never want to lose it. I walked out the door, combing my hair with my fingers as I walked down the steps gracefully.

"Right on time (Y/N). Take your seat, the empty one by the end." The bird said to me nicely. I did as she said and took my seat, I'm thinking it's next to Enoch's because he's the only one not here and that's the only empty one. I hear footsteps coming down the steps and I immediately recognize it as Enoch coming around he corner. I smiled then looked down at my thumbs, twiddling with them a little bit. The kids seemed to know something was up by this action, and they started to giggle, so Millard asked,

"Why is (Y/N) blushing so hard? Is it because of Enoch arriving or what?" They giggled even harder at that comment, Enoch now starting to turn a light shade of pink.

"That's enough now children, it's time for dinner." She says, sitting down in her spot. "Dig in." Everyone started to grab their food, and began eating, all except for Claire.

"What's wrong Claire? Are you embarrassed of something?" Horace asked her, sitting diagonal from her. She nodded, looking down to me.

"It's okay Claire, I won't judge." I say smiling at her. She smiled in response, lifting up her hair, and taking her big chicken wing, and putting it up to the mouth on the back of her head. I looked startled, my irises most likely turning white in fear. Then I smiled as she brought the bone back to her plate, still holding her hair up, Miss P wiping the second mouth.

About 15 minutes later, everyone was finished with their meal. It was getting slightly dark, and it was drizzling slightly. I think it was almost time for the reset, because I remember researching about when this loop was reset. At night, during the rain.

"Alright children, outside now. Don't forget your gas masks." Miss P said to us all. I got up and went outside with Enoch, as he gave me an extra gas mask. The bird announced to put them on as the rain was starting to heavy. I heard planes and knew what was coming. I saw the planes with the nazi symbol on them. Just as they were above the house, they dropped the bomb, heading straight for the roof, it kept getting closer and closer and I got scared. Miss P just kept looking up and down from her pocket watch to the bomb. She looks down at the watch again, pushing the button down and bringing everything to a stop, even the rain. She used the dial on her watch to rewind time. I watched in awe as the bomb and rain rose then I saw the sun rising then setting again, the sky changing beautiful colors as it did so. Too soon, it was over, and everyone took their gas masks off and so did I. Most of the younger kids were shouting "Movie time! Movie time!" I guess Horace would project his dreams onto a screen as he mentioned earlier. I smiled and looked at Enoch and his beauty wanting to hold his hand, but no it was too soon, the kids, and especially Olive and the bird weren't ready for this news.

"Go put on your pajamas children, then we shall have movie time. Go on now." The bird says to everyone. The children did as they were told and went to their rooms to change. I went to my room and looked in my drawers for pajamas and I'd found a nice white nightgown (pictured below) with white frilly short sleeves, a buttoned middle, that didn't actually unbotton, and took my dress off to slip that on.

 I went to my room and looked in my drawers for pajamas and I'd found a nice white nightgown (pictured below) with white frilly short sleeves, a buttoned middle, that didn't actually unbotton, and took my dress off to slip that on

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I walked downstairs, only to find out that I'm the last one to arrive, the only seat on the couches being next to Enoch, which I didn't mind. I walked over and sat down, anxious to see what Horace's dream was about.

He puts his monocle-like device up to his eye and closed the other, projecting a picture onto the screen. It first started out with him trying on a new tuxedo and saying 'I'll take it.' To the body fitting the suit to him. Then it transitioned oddly fast to me and Enoch in a cave, extremely close, looking like we were about to kiss, then, we did. I could feel my cheeks burning into a deep pink, irises probably doing the same. I glanced at Enoch and noticed he was doing the same. 'That's just great Horace, thanks for that.' I thought, annoyed, but what came next shocked us all. A colored man with white hair came up to us, clapping. "That was cute kids. Now, young man, give me the girl, and nobody has to get hurt."

Miss Peregrine interrupted the showing by saying, "That's enough now Horace," looking at him motioning for him to take the device away from his eye and then continues, "time for bed children." Finishing with that, she takes the smaller children upstairs to their rooms, waving for us to come to bed as well. I looked at Enoch and he was still blushing madly, and I stood up, holding my hand out to help him up. He gladly accepted this offer, and I tried to let go but he wouldn't let me. I smiled, my irises most likely turning a deep pink again. We walked up the stairs together, hand in hand, both smiling. Once we got up to our rooms, we gave each other a hug and then went to our own rooms.

Not even bothering to take my necklace off, I flopped onto the bed, pulling the covers over me, letting the exhaustion take over, pulling me into a deep sleep.

Hope you've all had a good day,
Goodnight lovelies 💕

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