Chapter 13: Ending

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(Enoch's P.O.V.)

   I watched as Miss Peregrine went to the kitchen to get a cold wet towel for her forehead, I held her hand and watched as her chest slowly rose and fell. She laid there with her beautiful (h/c) hair and her oh so amazing features, I couldn't take my eyes off her, she was too beautiful. 'I just need her to be okay..', I think, sighing sadly.

~Time Skip to 3 hours later, dinner time~

(3rd Person P.O.V.)

(Y/N) still laid peacefully on the couch as all the other children walked around preparing for dinner, tonight they had a special guest, Jake, Abe's grandson. Enoch was still by his girlfriend's side while Olive looked on in jealousy, knowing she had no chance. Emma was off somewhere with Jake, nobody knows, they just told Miss Peregrine they'd be gone until dinner. While the teenagers were being teenagers, the younger kids were preparing for dinner. Hugh was helping Miss P prepare the chicken, Fiona was making the vegetables, Claire setting up plates and silverware, while Millard and Horace were entertaining the Twins outside.

A few minutes after everything was set up, food and all, Enoch was yelling for Miss Peregrine, "Miss P! Miss P! (Y/N) isn't breathing at all and she's gone limp!!" He cries out to her. "I love you flower, please come back to me, you've changed my life for the better..." he says to her as Miss Peregrine quickly runs in and starts doing CPR, Enoch stepping out of her way. Watching for a minute, then he could see it working. "Wake up. Wake up! WAKE UP!" He shouts as she gasps for air, bolting upwards.

(Enoch's P.O.V.)

   "Flower!!" I shout as I hug her softly, as she hugs back quickly, holding me tight. "Flower, I thought you were gone.. you stopped breathing.." I told her, pulling away and looking into her black irises, obviously still recovering from turning black. "W-What happened?" She stuttered, to which I immediately explained to her, her shaking her head in disappointment of her stupidity (sorry not sorry), I rubbed her back and told her it's okay a few times then hugged her again. "It's time for dinner, and we have a guest, his name is Jake, he's American, and from your time." I informed her, helping her up and to her seat.

~Time skip to after dinner~

(Your P.O.V.)

   I finished my meal, and I stomped upstairs after a pissed off Enoch, because Olive has insulted me, for something stupid like, 'my hair and outfit looks bad' or something along those lines, then proceeding to tell her about the kiss me and Enoch shared, 'forgetting' to say anything about what she did. "Damnit Enoch!" I yell jogging up the stairs to catch up with him, grabbing his shoulder and spinning him around and looking him in his eyes, smiling softly through the anger.

   He in return, hugged me, holding me tight, "Want me to put on a show?" He asked me quietly, I nodded in response. We both pulled away taking each other's hands walking to his room to watch his dolls fight, not so peacefully.

Small little epilogue (bc I feel this was a very short chapter)

(Your P.O.V.)

   It's now been a few years since the mr Baron incident (from the movie, sorry too lazy to write all that) and now we're all living on the ship Emma brought back to life. Emma and Jake are happily a couple, me and Enoch are also happily a couple, while Olive has backed off a lot more, which is extremely kind of her.

   I'm glad to say everyone had made it through that, even after I almost froze to death in the pool of water, Olive helping me out. Anyways, I'm really happy I'm still here with Enoch, and all the others, it really has been the experience of a lifetime.

Tysm all for reading my book! It means a lot!!
(666 words 😏)

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