Chapter 7: Nightmare

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(Your POV)

   Not even bothering to take my necklace off, I flopped onto the bed, pulling the covers over me, letting the exhaustion take over, pulling me into a deep sleep.

   Darkness starting to fade, it became brighter, and I find myself waking up from a nap on the couch with my father hovering above me. He looks drunk and pissed, for no reason, again. He pulled me up by the collar, throwing me on the floor, bruising my knee in the process.

   "WHY DO YOU STILL LIVE HERE YOU FILTHY PIECE OF TRASH!! YOU KILLED MY WIFE AND YOUR OWN MOTHER! HOW CAN YOU LIVE WITH YOURSELF?!" He screams at me, for about the fifth time in two days. I escaped from my thoughts as I felt his beer bottle graze my ear, barely missing my head. "GO TO YOUR ROOM!" He shouted going to the kitchen for another beer. I stomped up to my room, slamming the door, and locking it. I grabbed my sketch book from under my bed and started drawing (your favorite animal), crying, trying not to wet the pages with my tears. I was interrupted by a pounding on the door. My father again.

   "(Y/N)!!! Unlock this door right now!" He shouts through the door.

   "Why should I? All you're going to do is beat me like you always do!!" I retorted, irises turning a deep red. He pounded on the door harder yelling stuff that I couldn't understand. 'You can do this. Just unlock it and swing the door open with your mind. You can hold him back this time. If you can't, open the window and go onto the roof; he won't dare follow you there.' I thought, making myself a plan.

   The lock clicked, and I swing the door open with my mind. He looks angry and his face is red, an empty beer bottle in hand. He lifted his hand, with the bottle in, up above his head, ready to throw; the bottle almost left his hand when he froze. 'He froze! I did it!' I thought celebrating. He fought against my force, only to be held back.

   "(Y/N)! Let me go this instant!" He says, the calmest I've ever heard him. He kept struggling and struggling until he was finally able to move his legs, I could feel myself getting weaker, feeling my brain giving in, irises turning a dark gray, almost black. I started seeing stars until my father came over to me, and hit the beer bottle over my shoulder, then shoving me onto the floor along with the broken glass. The glass entering my hands and knees, drawing blood, I couldn't move. I was powerless.. he kicked me,

   "GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE YOU LITTLE PIECE OF TRASH!!" He screamed, kicking me once more then left, slamming the door behind him. 'That's it. I'm packing my stuff tonight, and leaving the next time he says that. Hell, he'd be glad that I left. I just need to get away from this hell. I need to do research on where to settle; I think I know where to go, right to the fantasy section of the library, where nobody goes. They might let me buy a book, considering I'm the only one who goes back there. I'll go there tomorrow..' I thought before getting slowly back up, taking the shattered glass out of my hands and knees, sitting on my bed, locking the door with my mind. I crawled under the covers, trying to sleep, but failing. Lost in my thoughts, I eventually fall asleep.

   I wake up with a gasp and my face wet with tears, I hear a soft knock on my door. Why would anyone else be up? I get up, and walk over, trying not to creak any floor boards. Opening the door I'm created by messy hair and gorgeous eyes; Enoch.

   "Enoch? What're you doing awake? It's late." I whisper to him. He looked at me worried, and looking at my eyes, they're most likely changing color, probably to a deep navy blue because of the despair I just experienced in my dream. Tears brimmed my eyes as he pulled me into an embrace.

   "It's okay, I'm here, there's no need to worry anymore, flower." He whispered softly, squeezing me comfortingly. He kissed my forehead, grabbing my hands,

   "I'd stay with you and comfort you but the bird would be infuriated, considering we almost got in trouble earlier. Please try to get some sleep though. Goodnight." He whispered, kissing both my hands. He then let go and returned to his room.

   I closed my door again quietly and walked back to my bed, trying not to creak any floorboards. I successfully made it back to my bed, climbing in. It took me a few minutes to fall back to sleep, darkness consuming me in a dreamless sleep.

   Shorter chapter again, sorry. It's late and I just finished this.. but I tried to write more over the weekend, but I ended up bingeing supernatural, and over the week past I had a bunch of homework, I'm sorry, but thanks for reading and goodnight lovelies
   -Sydney 💕

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