Chapter 9: Fluff and Filler

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(Your POV)

   "T-Thanks.." I manage to stutter out, kind of shocked that he caught me, considering I'm mad at him, maybe he really does love me..

   "Can I explain myself now?" He asked, looking into my dulling red into pink eyes. I nodded, and he put me down. I sat down at the trunk of the tree and patted the grass next to me, implying I want him to sit. He did as was gestured, and sat down. He started to explain how he had woken up and was about to come over to my room, then Olive stopped him. She tried to get him to break up with me. At that comment, my eyes started burning red, pure rage burned in my heart.

   "(Y/N), you can't you'll get in trouble, especially by the bird, and anyway, she's not worth it, you don't need to be like that." he said to me, immediately cooling down my rage, my pissy facial expression softening. I looked at him, my heart immediately melting at the sight of his soft eyes, and softer lips. I wanted to kiss him, but it's probably better to wait, since he's still explaining himself. He continued to tell me that he kept telling her no, and that he insisted on her leaving his room, and then that's when she kissed him and I walked in, and then now we're here.

   "Oh Enoch, I'm so sorry I didn't listen to you when you tried to explain it.." I said, trailing off, looking down at the ground with flower petals from the tree scattered about. He lifted my chin up with his index finger and grabbing my chin with his thumb,

   "It's okay flower, I would've thought the same thing, don't beat yourself up over it." He said, pulling me into an embrace, stroking my hair softly.

   "Ewwww! You two are gross!" Bronwyn yells at us giggling. I get up to address her then kneel down on one knee to get to her eye level.

   "What's up Wyn?" I asked her pulling down her dress a little. She gave me a confused look and tilted her head a little at my question.

   "The sky is up? Why would you ask such a silly thing?" She asked, skeptical of my question.

   "Oh sorry Wyn, it's just something we said in the future, it basically means what's wrong or what do you need." I said smiling at the small child. She shrugged and told us it was time for breakfast, afterwards, she just skipped away towards the house. I stood up from my kneeling position, slightly brushing off my nightgown. 'Shit, I guess I'm eating breakfast in my night gown.' I thought, realizing I hadn't changed yet today. Enoch stands up and takes my hand, which makes me jump at first, but I slowly relax into his hand. We slowly approach the giant house full of children, once there, Enoch opened the door for me politely, smiling.

   "Thank you Enoch." I respond to his gesture, smiling right back at him. Walking into the house, we both headed straight for the dinning room, both sitting in our spots.

   "Right on time children." The bird said at us, smiling. I look around the table and notice Olive isn't here, not caring whether she came to breakfast or not. I looked at the small feast that was made, there were pancakes and waffles, along with sausages, hash-browns, French toast, and various fruits. I looked at the food, desperately wanting to dig in, but still having to wait for Olive. I was interrupted from my thoughts by the bird addressing Olive as she sat down.

   "You may start eating now children." She says gesturing to the food and sitting in her seat at the end of the table. I grabbed a waffle with a piece of French toast, then planned on taking an apple on my way back to my room to change. I hadn't noticed that Enoch and Wyn were the only two kids at the table changed, the rest still remaining in their pajamas, except for Miss P of course.

   Breakfast had been over within a matter of 15 minutes, Miss P dismissed us and we all went milling about the dinning room, and some up to their rooms. I looked at Enoch, gesturing I was going up to my room with a flick of my head towards the stairs, grabbing an apple then following that action. I climbed the stairs, with grace for once, taking a big bite off my apple once at the top of the stairs. I trekked to my room, apple slowly depleting in my hand. I opened the door, heading straight for my closet, slowly finishing my apple. I threw the core into the trash can that was to the side of my bed aimlessly, making it in effortlessly. I look through my closet and pick out a white and black dress with blue designs covering the bottom half of the white. I also grabbed my black heels that have straps at the top. (Outfit pictured above) I quickly slip off my nightgown with ease, and started pulling my dress up after putting my feet through the top.

   I heard a knock on the door just as I got the top part of the dress over my chest. As I pulled the top part of the dress up and buttoned it in the back I told whoever it was to come in. It was Enoch, thankfully. I smiled as I buttoned the three buttons in the front and he smiled right back.

   "Go ahead sit, sit." I said to him grabbing my heels. He sat down on the bed awkwardly as I joined him, starting to put my shoes on. He laughed as I tried to put the second heel on as it slipped, falling out of my hands and onto the floor. I hit him playfully saying

   "Shut up." Giggling, I looked at him in the eyes, irises turning a deep shade of pink. I smiled awkwardly, 'Should I lean in? Wait he's leaning in!!' I yelled in my head, starting to lean in, my soft lips meeting his soft, plump, gorgeous lips. This kiss didn't last very long because I couldn't contain my giggle and blush. I reached for my other shoe as he looked down, twiddling his thumbs anxiously. I sat back up, shoe in hand, not caring anymore, I just leaned my head on his shoulder, 'I want someone to walk in. Let Olive walk in, please!' I pleaded in my head, to my dismay, nobody walked in.

(Weird spot to end that POV but idk what else to do with it tbh. And I have a plan, so watch out ^0^ I'm probably boring you, read on)

(Bonus: Emma's POV)

   I saw Enoch and (Y/N) making up under the cherry blossom tree from my window. I can't let her change how he feels about me.

*Flashback to a month ago*

   "Enoch, can I tell you something?" I ask Enoch in an upbeat tone. 'I really he doesn't reject me, or just flat out leave me to go have a family like Abe did so many years ago.' I thought in despair. He nods, and grabs my hands from my lap then holds them.

   "Enoch O'Connor, I love you, and I really hope you feel the same way, and if you do, I really hope you won't leave me like Abe did all that time ago." I said, sadness brimming my words, very hidden in the excitement. He looks very startled, but that will happen no matter what boy you tell that you love him.

   "Emma... I love you too, and I hope we can be happy together. But what would the bird say about having a dating relationship in the house? She won't like it." He explains to me. I nod and look down at our hands,

   "She doesn't have to know you know." I say, hope filling my words. He nods, then takes his right hand away from my left and cups my face, bringing me into a very passion filled, first kiss.

*Present Day*

   'I need to get him back from her, no matter what the cost.' I thought evilly, scheming my plan.

Whoops I guess I posted a lot later than anticipated, sorry for the wait.. I've been either watching supernatural, reading, drawing, or plain stressing over homework and more importantly, keystones and finals. School is slowly coming to an end, my last day of finals is June 5th, and technically I don't have to go after that, so I'll try to keep this book updated as much as I can, I will post more over summer break (not a promise) just scream at me in dms if you want me to hurry up. Lol sorry this is really long winded, anyways, peace out life sprouts

-Sydney ✌🏻💕

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