Chapter 11:

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Your P.O.V.

   I look over to see Emma with the new boy, he's not cute, but his ocean blue eyes are gorgeous, I could see that Emma looked over here while I was laughing with Enoch, and honestly, she looked jealous. 'I'm not gonna let that happen. It's obvious she likes Enoch, but I can see right through her, she's torn. I think she may have just fell for this new guy.' I thought to myself as she was giggling at something he had said. "Enoch, do you think Emma likes that new boy?" I whispered to Enoch, he gives me a weird look then let's out a stiff laugh, "What? Are you jealous or something? Because why would you care who she likes or not?" he replies to me, his tone trying to stay calm, laced with very frail anger. "Enoch, I'm not jealous of her, in fact, it's the exact opposite, I can see it on her face. Did something happen between you and here before I came here?" I said, slightly hurt that he didn't trust the fact that I loved him with all my heart, but shoving that fact to the back of my mind, I got up and waiting for Enoch to get up as well, and when he did I pecked his cheek and said, "I'm gonna go play with Fiona and Hugh. Alright?" in response to my statement, he nods then walks towards the entrance of the house when I walk towards the garden area where I find Fiona growing a plant and Hugh playing soccer with Millard and the twins.

   I walk over to Fiona and say hi and ask what she's doing, "I'm just growing this carrot for dinner like Miss Peregrine asked." she replies, smiling. "Want me to take it inside for her when it's ready?" I ask, she looked up at me, confused, "Are you sure you can handle it? I could just go get Wyn if you want?" She replies, looking up at me, worry filling her eyes. I nod at her and focus on lifting the giant carrot, struggling a little at first, I manage to lift it off the ground.

(Fiona's P.O.V oooooo fancy)

   I noticed how (Y/N) had slight trouble lifting up the carrot, then taking control of herself, I noticed her hands starting to shake, and her eyes slowly fading into black. 'This can't be good' I thought to myself. "(Y/N), you should really put that down, you're shaking, and your- your eyes are fading into black, and not just your pupils and irises, your whole eye." She looks scary, one eye fully black, the other, white with black pupils and irises, it was menacing, and at the same time I was scared, I was worried for her, this has never happened before I imagine. I was pulled out of my thoughts by a loud thud and I look to find (Y/N) lying on the ground passed out. "HELP! HELP! (Y/N) IS UNCONSCIOUS!!" I yell to anyone near, I see Enoch running over, and I saw Hugh go inside to get Miss Peregrine. I look up at Enoch as he runs over past me to his girlfriend, "Enoch I'm sorry, I don't know what happened, she insisted on helping me take the carrot inside!" I half yelled at him, he looked back at me, gaze soft and worried, "It's okay Fiona, it wasn't your fault, you tried to get her to stop, I understand." he says to me, immediately turning his gaze back to the injured girl.

   Soon enough, Miss P came over and asked Enoch to help get her onto the couch in the living room, she questioned me as to what happened, to which I explained everything that had happened, to which she nodded then followed Enoch as he carried his injured girlfriend. I followed Enoch and the bird back into the house and into the living room, where Enoch lays the girl down on a couch. "I'm going to my room." I state blandly to Enoch and the bird, turning then proceeding to head to my room.

(Enoch's P.O.V.)

   I picked (Y/N) up just as the bird told me to, and headed into the living room. Placing Flower onto the couch, I kneel down to just as Fiona says she's going to her room then leaves before me or the bird could respond in any way. I'm now stroking her hair gently combing it out, without even noticing I started, 'Please be okay Flower, I can't make it without you..' I think sadly, all hope slowly leaving my system.

(Author's Note)

I really hope you guys liked this chapter, even if it was shorter, I'm gonna try to write more tomorrow after I fix the desk my brother gave me (it fell apart lol) I usually wake up late, so don't expect a chapter until later in the day, and if I don't get it done by tomorrow night, I'll have to finish it after gymnastics on Wednesday. And good thing is, Friday is my last day of gymnastics, so I'll have more time to myself and to write. I was thinking about writing another book, a supernatural book, what do you think? Comment what you think I should do, and any other suggestions I should do for this book. 

Peace out life sprouts! -Sydney <3

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