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(Y/N) was an outcast from the moment she was born, her purple and ever changing eyes, just one of her soon to be known peculiarities. Her parents accepted her eyes, although they just needed her to stay away from others. Little did they know, there was more to her than just her magical eyes.

   When (Y/N) turned 3 years old, she had started growing stubs on her shoulders, that were causing her great pain, which caught her parents attention.

   "Honey are you okay? What's wrong?" Her mother asked, panicked and worried. (Y/N) shakes her head no, and then points to the slowly growing stubs... "Wings?" Her father asks no one in particular. Her mother nods slowly, "We need to keep her hidden, we can't let the public know about this..." she looks at her husband, "..it's too dangerous." The child's pain soon went away, and then the family settled into bed.
~time skip~
   3 weeks later, 4 days from (Y/N)'s birthday (November 9, 2000, just go with it please, it helps determine your character's age for sure later on), her wings were fully grown, still, she had yet to grow into their size. Although she is already incredibly peculiar, there's still more in store for her parents.
~time skip (again, sorry not sorry, read on)~
   (Y/N) was 10, it was June 18, 2011, her and her parents were eating dinner. Her mom was yelling at her dad as usual, and she couldn't take it anymore. "THAT'S IT!" (Y/N) screams, "I'M SICK AND TIRED OF YOU YELLING AT DAD EVERY NIGHT FOR NO REASON WHATSOEVER!!" She continues to scream as all the knives on the table and and in the kitchen start to rise and point at her mother. "(Y/N), honey, calm dow--" her mother pleads as she was interrupted, "NO! I'M SICK OF IT! HE DOESN'T DESERVE YOU!" (Y/N) screams and runs to her room, followed by her mother's and father's screams. (Y/N) sprinted up the stairs to her room, eyes flaming red.

   (Y/N) didn't go downstairs to see the havoc she may have caused. 'What have I done?! Ugh! Wait a minute, how did those knives lift up on their own?! Was that me? I- I think I just killed my own mother..' she thought as a lump formed in her throats and tears were coming to her eyes, causing them to turn a deep shade of blue. Her father burst through her door with his fists clenched. "Come here (Y/N). Come here NOW!" He said raising his voice at her. (Y/N) approached her father, accepting whatever was about to happen. He slapped her. Then again, and again, and one more time, causing her face to get red and puffy. He was about to exit her room, when he turned around and punched her in the jaw with all his might, causing her to bruise almost instantly. Her eyes turned a deep gray showing that she was hurt as her father slammed the door.

   This continued for another 6 years, up until (Y/N) was 16, venturing up to the year 2017. (Y/N) has done some research on peculiars and their time loops ybrynes made them so that they could stay safe forever. She found out the nearest loop to her, was in Cairnholm, Whales, and that's where she intended to go.

   (Y/N) started to pack her things and her saved up money into her backpack as she thought 'Maybe I can finally make some friends on September the third, 1943.' As soon as she finished packing her very few belongings, she went downstairs, out the front door, and slamming it behind her, and she was on her way to Miss Peregrine.

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