•Chapter 3: Drama•

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(A/N): This chapter might be shorter, I'm having a bit of a writer's block today, I apologize in advance that it'll be short, I'm gonna try to make it more dialogue and character connection. Please don't hate me, you may read on :) -Sydney 🌺

{Your POV}

   Enoch and I were taking a steady pace up the stairs, when I was being my clumsy self as usual, and tripped, I hit my knee on the edge of the wooden stairs, so it hurt even more then it should've. I grabbed my knee in pain, wincing at the touch. Enoch just looked at me for a second, then snapped out of whatever trance he was in, and held out a hand to help me up. I gladly put my petite hand in his slightly hand. He pulled me up, and I limped up the stairs behind him.

   "Hey Enoch, can you slow down a little? This really hurts.." I ask, trying not to hurt myself more.

  "I can't go any slower (Y/N), we're here anyway. So it doesn't matter." He took me down to a room at the end of the hall to the right, his being right across from mine. 'Good I'll have someone my age to talk to if I need. I won't have to go to the kids for help.' I thought smiling as you're trying to keep up. I opened the door to reveal a bright room, with a double sized bed, that's okay, a single size would be really hard anyway, I move too much.

   "Thank you Enoch. You were a really great help." You smile at him and he gives you a half smirk and walked into his room, not shutting the door, "Do you want me to close this for you?" I asked him, hoping he'd say no so I could come in.

   "Yes, actually, but could you help me out first?" He asked looking up at you with a slight smile.

{Enoch's POV}

   She just fell up the stairs.. 'wow okay, that was actually adorable.. Enoch, you can't love her, you literally just met her. Don't fall for her. She might not be able to be trusted.' I thought in frustration. Wait! She needs help, god damnit. I reach out my hand to her, and she puts her delicate hand in my bigger hand, and I pull her up.

   "Hey Enoch, can you slow down a little? This really hurts.." she asked, whimpering slightly.

   "I can't go any slower (Y/N), we're here anyway. So it doesn't matter." I said to her, almost inaudible. I took her to the room right across from mine, and opened the door for her then went to my room, not shutting the door, not noticing. She looks around her room a little bit then comes over to my room.

   "Do you want me to close this for you?" She asked, her voice with that United Kingdom accent ripping me to shreds.

   "Yes actually, but could you help me out first?" I questioned. She nodded, and entered my room. I looked at my homunculi, I needed a gopher's heart, a rat's heart and brain. So that's what I asked her to find. I tinkered on the spider-like homunculi, readying it for the fight I was about to show (Y/N). She was calm, yet I could tell she was a little freaked out about everything. She brought over the items I needed and placed them gently down.

   I reached for the gopher heart first, and put in the homunculi with a doll's head and body, with two legs, one being an eagle's claw, and one knife hand to use as a weapon. It stood up and I told it to wait. Then I put the brain in the other doll's head and heart underneath the contraption's head. It slowly got up and I watched (Y/N) gleam at the sight of my homunculi come to life, then I whispered "Fight to the death" to the homunculi with the knife hand.

   As I saw the fight unfold, I just kept my eye on (Y/N) as she watched with wholehearted interest. 'I'm surprised, usually everyone is scared of my creations.. maybe she could be different. Maybe I should give her a chance..'

(Your POV)

   I watched as his homunculi fought, it was amazing, I didn't want it to stop, I looked at him quickly, then looked back at the fight. The spider-like doll used one of its legs to stab the heart of the knife handed doll out, it looked proud holding the gopher heart. I smiled at him, and he gave a smirk as a response, I sat down next to him and looked him in the eyes, hopefully mine weren't turning pink. I really wanted to kiss those full lips, they looked so beautiful and inviting. My body getting slow and tingly, he started to talk in that Scottish accent, it melted me again.

   "So did you like that? Because most people usually run away in f---" I cut him off by putting my lips on his, wanting to embrace him but holding myself back, I quickly felt him kissing back. 'That was a huge risk, and he actually kissed back.. does this mean? No it can't..' I thought coming out of the kiss, my cheeks on fire my eyes most likely a really deep pink by now. I have to apologize for that..

   "Enoch.. I- I'm so s-sorry.. I don't know what--" he cut me off with another kiss this one making us stand up, in each other's arms.

(Enoch's POV)

   I watched the homunculi finish their fight, the spider-like one holding his prize high, then we locked eyes, with her eyes slowly turning a light pink. I decided to say something.. it was too quiet.

   "So did you like that? Because most people usually run away in f---" she cut me off with a kiss, I was shocked at first, then I slowly gave into it, loving the feeling of her lips on mine, then about 10 seconds later, she finally let go and started to apologize.

   "Enoch.. I- I'm so s-sorry.. I don't know what--" I cut her off with another kiss, we stand up, embracing each other. I love the feeling of her lips, I never want to let go, and I didn't think we would until Olive came in, ruining everything.

   "What the heck is this? First you two lock eyes like you're soulmates or something next thing you're kissing?" She hissed, staring daggers at us.

   "Olive. Calm down, you're acting like you and Enoch have a thing. Clearly not, because he was kissing me, and I'm pretty sure he liked it, so can you please just leave us alone?" She snapped back eyes turning burning red. She was right, I did like it, I liked it a lot, I never wanted to let go.

   "She's not wrong, I loved kissing her.." I said, cheeks burning with redness. Olive looked at me, hurt. I didn't care. I just wanted to be left alone with (Y/N) right now. "Olive get out please. I'm not trying to be mean, but get out. I need to talk to (Y/N) about something. So please, leave." I said to her, sighing.

   "Fine. But you better hope I'll be telling the bird about this." She made a 'hmph' sound and walked out, slamming the door.

Whelp I guess that wasn't as short as expected.. Hmm, I wonder if Olive will really tell Miss Peregrine or not, wait I'm the author, I do know XD but anyway thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed. Just wanted to say, I appreciate you all reading my chapters, and I know the number isn't very high but it makes me happy knowing I'm a small part of your lives, again thank you! And it's late for me soooo, goodnight, I'll try to update by Tuesday.

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