•Chapter 4: Life Story•

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Hahaha cliffhangers.. so evil
A/N this chapter is a little short, yet I somehow managed to write it within like, 2 days, so it's pretty good other than the length

(Your POV)

   The door slams and I jump, almost into Enoch's arms might I add.

   "Enoch I just got here today and I'm already gonna get in trouble and it's all thanks to Olive being jealous.." I say trailing off into my thoughts.

   "(Y/N) even if the bird does come up here to yell at you, I can defend you, trust me, she might be mad, but she might be even more mad that Olive is snitching again." Enoch said, waking me up from my thoughts and lifting my chin up with his index finger smiling sweetly, looking into my eyes, my irises probably a deep blue for guilt and sadness, they were like that a lot back home. I feel tears brimming my eyes at the thought of that place. I never want to go back.

   "(Y/N), are you okay? Why are you crying?" He asks me, looking worried.

   "I-it's nothing.. I don't wanna talk about it." I say, trying to hold back my tears. I feel my lip start to quiver and I look down again, hiding my tears, some falling into my lap. 'I'm glad I'm wearing jeans.. I don't want him to see my bruises, that'd end up badly, not just for 'us' more so that everyone wouldn't treat me like some fragile object that could break any second. I hate being treated like a little kid like that. Sure I like to be the damsel in distress at times, but not every minute of my life.' I thought as Enoch was embracing me, I didn't even notice, but I brought myself closer to him wincing in pain from my legs.

   "Okay. Now you're wincing in pain? What's wrong with you (Y/N)?" He asked me, and I couldn't take it, I ran out of him room to mine slamming the door and flopped on my bed, crying into one of my pillows.

(Enoch's POV)

   She winced in pain at my embrace, I couldn't take it anymore.

   "Okay. Now you're wincing in pain? What's wrong with you (Y/N)?" I asked her hoping not to hurt her feelings. Next thing I know, she's running out of my room and slamming her door.. 'Ummm, did I do something wrong? Ugh I hope not.' I stand up and follow her, closing my door behind me, then went to knock on hers. I didn't even knock, because I heard crying. I knocked and asked if I could come in.

   "Yeah.. I guess. Just shut the door behind you." She said quietly, probably holding back tears. I walked in, shutting the door as she asked.

   "(Y/N), what's wrong?" I said sitting down, rubbing her back, comforting her.

   "Can I trust you not to tell anyone?" She asked, sniffling.

   "Yes." I responded, bringing her into an embrace. She pulled away and starts to explain, tears streaming down her face as she did so. She explains that she was born with her eyes like this, her wings starting to come about at the age of 3, found out about her telekinesis at 10, and killed her mother by accident. Ever since then, her father abused her and wanted to get away, which she successfully managed to do, thankfully. When she was done explaining to me, I pulled her into an embrace again, stroking her hair gently.

   "It's okay, I'm here for you, and I won't let anything happen to you flower." I responded, trying not to cringe at that nickname. 'Flower?! Flower. That's really all you could think of? Damnit Enoch you're an idiot.' I thought, still trying not to cringe. We were in each other's arms for an amazing few minutes until someone knocked on the door. The bird. Olive actually told her. Great. We let go of each other and quickly stood up. (Y/N) told her to come in and she looked furious.

   "So a little birdie told me that you both were kissing each other?  Is this information correct?" She snapped at us.

   "Yes Miss Peregrine." (Y/N) and I said in sync, bowing our heads. "We're sorry Miss Peregrine." I finished, twiddling my thumbs.

   "Enoch, are you doing this to make Olive upset?" She asked, her voice breaking down. I shook my head no,

   "No Miss Peregrine, I never liked Olive like I do (Y/N), Olive just helped me in my lab, that's all." I said, thinking about how (Y/N)'s lips felt on mine.

   "Thank you very much you two, I'll think about how to reward you for your honesty, and punish Olive for her lies to me." She smiles, and walks out. I look at (Y/N) in her light blue eyes and smile,

   "That turned out a lot better then it could have." I said, smirking at her. I just wanted to have her in my arms forever, thinking about that, I pulled her into another embrace, this one being closer than we've had before, and I loved it. I really trusted this girl, like I could tell her anything that troubled me, and also I could be there for her whenever she needed me. I think this will be the start of an amazing relationship.

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