Chapter 4- Dean Finds Out Izzy's Secret

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"Izzy stop!" Dean said as he quickly went into the bathroom and wrapped his left arm around her side and used the other to try and pull her hand out of her mouth. "No! Stop it!" Izzy said and started to cry as she puked one more time. Dean flushed the toilet and tried not to puke either at the sight. She struggled to do it more, so he had no choice but to pick her up. He set her on the bed, with Isabelle in tears. "Izzy why were you doing that to yourself?" He asked, seriously. "Why would you want to know? You've said maybe 3 sentences to me the whole time I've been here." And gave him a cold stare.

That hurt Dean a little, he actually felt guilty. He sighed and said "I must admit that I don't exactly warm up to people fast." "No kidding." She said, annoyed. "I'm sorry, it's just that things have happened to me in the past and it's in my nature. But enough about me and stop trying to change the subject. Why were you forcing yourself to throw up?" He asked her. She looked up at him, then looked down. There was a pause and tears started falling again. "Isabelle, are you bulimic?" Dean asked. Isabelle looked up at him in pain and nodded while whispering "Yea." "Why though? You look like a perfectly healthy teenager." Dean said to her. Isabelle hesitated on telling him her back story, but thought that she might as well. "Well, I was always a little bigger than girls in my grade, and it made me uncomfortable. Because my doctor as well said I had to lose some weight. Then when I started wrestling, I couldn't do some of the things because I was too heavy compared to them. People would also bully me because of this..." She stopped and rolled up her sweatpants to reveal a giant burn scar that stretched from the bottom of her leg right before her foot, to almost her knee.

"And I always never felt good enough. I'm not the best daughter, my mom doesn't want me to be here but I want this more than anything and I feel like I'm stabbing her in the back. And I'm always dizzy and lightheaded, I used to just not eat, but then people asked why so I then started to just force myself to throw up my meals, and it worked. Only you know now. It's been going on for about 6 months and my weight used to be 110, now I'm 90 and I still feel fat. Every day I feel terrible and I can't control it, I don't know what to do." Dean looked at the poor teenager as she cried into her hands and felt terrible about what he did to her to make her feel unwanted in his life. He couldn't help himself any longer and he did something that was rare for him. He went up to her and pulled her up from the bed and wrapped his arms around her for a hug as she cried into his undershirt, without hugging him back.

"I'm sorry, and I admit, when you came out of the bathroom in Houston and saw how pale you looked, I knew something was wrong, I should've said something." He whispered. She looked up at him and said "It's ok. But please don't send me home, I want to stay here with you guys." Izzy said innocently. "Then we need to figure something out." Dean said as they both sat on the bed. "I want to eat as much as I want to, but I always regret it and throw it up, I've wanted to recover for some time, I just don't know how without going to a therapist." Isabelle said. "You should just probably start with eating a little everyday until you go to your normal weight, because you look tiny. Something I've heard that people do, is keep a food journal about what they eat and the amounts." Dean said. Izzy nodded as he continued. "Also, to gain some of the weight back in a healthy way is to eat healthy foods and to workout to gain some muscle back. And eating good things like fruit will give you energy without all that sugar. Maybe you could come to the gym with the guys and I starting soon." Dean said. "Can't I start tomorrow?" Izzy asked. "No, because you need to get some food in your system for energy, you wouldn't want to pass out would you?" Dean looked at her, concerned. "No." She laughed a little.

"Do you think you could do that?" He asked her. "I think so." Izzy said, a little more confidently. "Can you not tell Seth or Roman? I don't want them to send me home to recover when I feel I have the confidence to do it by myself..." Izzy asked him. "It'll be our little secret. And you won't be doing it alone, I'll be here too." Dean gave her a small smile. Izzy smiled back at him and said "Thank you." She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him. "What is it, free hug day?" He teased her. "Don't get used to that Izzy, I don't usually do this." He said to her. She giggled and they talked until Roman and Seth came back about 10 minutes later.

As Isabelle hopped into bed that night, right as she turned off the lamp, she heard someone open the door. She could tell it was Dean by his shadow. "Oh and Izzy? Thanks...for that big ass kick to help me." "Your welcome." She whispered to him as he shut her door. Maybe Dean wasn't as bad after all....

A/N: Aaaww Dean finally warmed up! :D well I have an instagram and I sent a picture to Seth Rollins through DM and like not even a half hour later I looked and the green checkmark was by his name!! He saw it :D I was fangirling so hard lol thanks for reading! Xoxo -Emi

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