Why Did You Have To Hurt Me Like That

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"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Georg flicked through the photos of Taylor, Gustav stood behind him, their eyes as wide as saucers.

"Are you sure man? I mean 100 percent sure? She was dead! You saw what Frank did to her, there must be a mistake." Gustav spoke up as he grabbed one of the photos of her from the table in front of Georg and continued to examine it.

I flicked the ash off the end of my cigarette and looked at him "I know what I saw, but I also know I was a fucking mess and wasn't paying attention to everything around me."

Bill came walking into the room, a bottle of whiskey in hand "I asked some of our connections at the hospital to pull up Taylor's file and they said the position of her stab wounds were ultimately what caused her death but if treated earlier and appropriately she wouldn't have died from the injuries, Frank didn't hit any major arteries, she bled out but very slowly." He placed the whiskey down on the table and began to pour the liqueur into each glass "I spoke to Valerie and she said that at the time of the wounds being inflicted it would've taken her approximitely ten to twelve hours to bleed out. Now the weird part is, we found her not even an hour after the last stab wound was inflicted by Frank, you got her to the hospital in about thirty minutes and within an hour of being in the hospital she passed away, that was only three hours after the assault, she couldn't have died that early on, especially with the doctors trying to save her life." Bill passed around all our glasses and I choked back the tears that wanted to escape as he spoke of that horrible day "I think you're right Tom, I think there was foul play at the hospital, I think something else happened and after everything happened and the police got us out of there and brought us here she was alive and taken by someone to Prague."

The feeling in the room was heavy and uncomfortable, the realization that someone had worked so smoothly beneath all of our radars right under our noses made us all feel like hopeless human beings, we had become sloppy and it showed that day of all days. The self loathing I felt for myself, to let myself get that sloppy, to let Taylor slip through my fingers so easily, I wish I had taken my own life that night but now I had something to live for again, something worth living for, I wasn't just waking up everyday full of hate and regret.

"Well then, I hope Roman is ready for us because it looks like we are going to Prague boys." I said as I lifted my glass to my lips and tasted the sting of the whiskey as it ran down my throat.

They all followed suit and took a drink from their glasses when Georg spoke up from his seat "What is the plan anyway? How do you plan on getting us to Prague without being detected by the public? Things are quiet here for the people, they all think we are no longer around."

I nodded at him before looking at Bill, who had already figured it all out for us "We have a private jet sorted for us, we leave first thing tomorrow morning, it's a 14 hour flight so make sure to get some sleep on board." Bill said as he took the last of his drink.

"Our connections over that way have sorted out a place for us to stay, we must stay in hiding at first, we have to be smart about this boys we can't just rush in there, Roman is set up good, he has countless amounts of guards and men in that area that work for him, he owns Prague. We have to find a weak spot and once we do, we strike." They all nodded at me in unison and we all prepared for our journey ahead.


I smiled at him as he walked towards me, his strong arms picking me up off the ground the moment he was in reach. I wrapped my legs around his waist and held onto his neck and as my lips met his everything around us became a blur, everything else right now was no longer relevant, all that mattered was him and I. The sweet taste of his lips reminded me of honey bourbon, a sweet taste with a slight bite behind it and as his tongue slipped through the lines and buried itself within my mouth I couldn't help but to grab him tighter, twisting the clothing on his back into my palms.

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